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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-04-2010, 01:52 PM
chancellar's Avatar
Pocket PC: Droid (BB v1.1, 1.2ghz), BB Tour, BB Bold, Mogul
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Join Date: Oct 2007
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Transition from TP2 and Winmo to Android, how's it going for you?

Hello all,

I haven't been on these forums in awhile since I got my TP2 when it first came out on Sprint. I returned it within the first 30 days because I found the web browsing and overall performance of the phone to be sluggish even compared to its contemporaries.

Since then I've had an iphone, BB and am currently on the Moto Droid (OC'd to 1.2ghz). I just wanted to get your impressions of how the transition from Winmo to android is going?

My main thought is that Android is sortof a rich man's version of Winmo optimized for fingers instead of a stylus (thank goodness). I'm so happy that many of you have made the leap to Android!

A few apps I'd recommend, although I'm sure you guys have done your dilligence...

System Monitor - best app to get system information like temperature, available storage and program memory, storage sppace, etc.

Imusic and Music Junk - No longer on the market but you can find the .apk's floating around. Basically these apps are like Napster for your phone. Nothing like d/l'ing free music onto your phone.

ES File Explorer - Best file manager and movie player around

Adfree - keep those ads off your EVO

Wifi Tether - Need root but better than paying Sprint 30 bucks a month for something you can do for free.
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