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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2010, 12:18 PM
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Re: Evo acid test - work day, hard use, battery life, issues, etc

Maybe its a problem that only affects a certain percentage of EVOs. All the people I know with EVOs have horrible battery life too.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 12:13 PM
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Re: Evo acid test - work day, hard use, battery life, issues, etc

For all of you users that are complaining about battery life, can I assume that you you have charged and discharged the battery at least 4 to 5 times and are still having battery life problems?

I highly doubt that to be the case since the phone is so new. The battery needs to be conditioned and should NEVER be let to go below 20 or 25 percent during the break in period, if you expect to have a battery that holds a decent charge.

Originally Posted by Blaqdymun View Post
The battery sucks on the EVO. I haven't recorded a video, streamed any music never used the radio and rarely used the web browser other than to re-download my apps that I purchased from a previous Android phone. I had to charge my phone 3x's yesterday. Grant it I did a lot of downloading and texting but that still shouldn't have drained the battery that quickly. I have advanced app killer installed as well. Today I was out of the house for 9 hrs and all I did was text and was on a phone call for all of 20mins. I don't believe too much thought was placed into the battery life of this phone. For a phone this powerful, how do u put the same type battery in it you would any other average Smart phone device? The size of the screen alone consumes more power! IDK, an extended battery may be in worked in the budget in the near future.
Carrier: Sprint | HTC EVO 4G LTE

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