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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:23 AM
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Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

I have been on sprint for almost 10 years. I have a traditional data plan. I currently pay about $10 a month. If I am not mistaken, I think it is EV-DO Rev A. I logged into sprint.com to try to find the exact data plan that I have but there was no name. It just said Unlimited Data. Anyway...

If I buy the Spring Evo for the retail price (separate from a plan) off of ebay or somewhere, will it work with my current plan?

What will and will not work with the phone? Would I be able to make calls? Would the internet work? Would it be just Ev-Do Rev A? I currently have a Touch Pro 2 and that works fine with my Unlimited Data Plan.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:20 AM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

No. All smartphones except WinMo require an everything data plan. Palm, Instink, Android, and Blackberry all require it. 450 minutes for $69.99/month plus $10/month for premium data for the EVO. This, coupled with a possible corporate discount is the cheapest you can own the EVO for. No way around it. You can't pick and choose what features you want. It also doesn't matter if you pay full retail for the phone either. Sorry.
For all you zero's that want the EVO...
Originally Posted by mobius7107 View Post
Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 07:05 AM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

Originally Posted by dbldwn02 View Post
No. All smartphones except WinMo require an everything data plan. Palm, Instink, Android, and Blackberry all require it. 450 minutes for $69.99/month plus $10/month for premium data for the EVO. This, coupled with a possible corporate discount is the cheapest you can own the EVO for. No way around it. You can't pick and choose what features you want. It also doesn't matter if you pay full retail for the phone either. Sorry.
To get the phone you have to upgrade your plan...bye, bye $10 data
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 07:08 AM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

Yep, no way around it. Luckily I get 19% disc through my company though so that helps. You can get on a EPRP (Everything Plus Referral Plan) though and save a bit more but then you cant use a corp disc.
Loving my rooted Droid X
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 09:11 AM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

i just got off the phone with sprint. i too have a free and clear plan and will be getting an EVO on the 4th. i was asking questions regarding eligiblity and if upgrading my plan today would affect anything on the 4th. the CSR looked over my account and mentioned that i was eligible for a $75 service credit if i renewed today and that in no way would it prevent me for any rebates when i purchase the EVO. you may want to give that a go if you are out of contract or close to it.

i was happy for the credit, and decided to go ahead and update my plan to an everything data family plan today. my billing period starts today, and figure that with a 100,000 + EVO activations on the 4th the less account changes the better.

trust me... letting go of the free and clear plan wasnt easy, but i will only be spending $24 / month extra including the $10 premium data charge.

so it is up to you. if you want an EVO you just have to dig deep and go for it.

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 09:42 AM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

I'm with you I did the exact same thing about a week ago. I didn't want to have to make a bunch of plan changes all in one day either. I want to keep my Friday simple get the phone in my hand, add it to my plan that's it, leave store go home play.

Originally Posted by captblaze View Post
i just got off the phone with sprint. i too have a free and clear plan and will be getting an EVO on the 4th. i was asking questions regarding eligiblity and if upgrading my plan today would affect anything on the 4th. the CSR looked over my account and mentioned that i was eligible for a $75 service credit if i renewed today and that in no way would it prevent me for any rebates when i purchase the EVO. you may want to give that a go if you are out of contract or close to it.

i was happy for the credit, and decided to go ahead and update my plan to an everything data family plan today. my billing period starts today, and figure that with a 100,000 + EVO activations on the 4th the less account changes the better.

trust me... letting go of the free and clear plan wasnt easy, but i will only be spending $24 / month extra including the $10 premium data charge.

so it is up to you. if you want an EVO you just have to dig deep and go for it.


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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 03:04 PM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

I appreciate all of the comments. I am actually somewhat confused now...

We have two phones on our account that are Blackberrys. We have a 4/5 line family account (I say 4/5 because one of the lines we dont use). Anyway, the 2 blackberrys have unlimited internet. The phone I have is Touch Pro 2 with windows mobile. Does this change anything for me getting the Evo?

When I check it says:
Data - Web, email, TV, music, GPS and more (4 lines)
and has all our numbers under it. Including the Touch Pro 2 & the 2 Blackberry phones.

All our phones (Blackberry included) are on the 'Everything Data Share Plan'. So if the Blackberrys are able to work on this plan does that mean the Evo will?

Last edited by geedubya15; 06-01-2010 at 03:27 PM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 06:55 PM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

The Everything Data Share Plan 1500 minutes is $130 for the first two lines and $20 for each add a line. You said you were on the $10 data plan which is not compatible with smart-phones.

If your account says Everything Data Share 1500 and your bill is somewhere around $200/month then you are good to go. EDSP includes 1500 minutes/unl text/unl internet/Sprint Nav/NFL(not anymore)/some Sprint TV channels/Sprint Radio

just call or chat sprint to make sure you're on the right plan. done and done!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 08:44 PM
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Re: Sprint Evo with Basic Data Plan

If you have a good old plan and also a tp2 it is not worth the money to get a new plan.I have tried it and just not worth it.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 08:55 PM
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Wirelessly posted (Touch Pro 2: Opera/9.80 (Windows Mobile; WCE; Opera Mobi/WMD-50369; U; en) Presto/2.4.13 Version/10.00)

I believe Blackberries are not required to have an everything data plan like android and webos phones.

FYI for all those who say that its way too much to get this phone I'll actually paying $3 less after upgrading all my plans (with discounts and credits)
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