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View Poll Results: Have you made your apps list yet for your new EVO?
YES 2 25.00%
NO ( I am probably lying and have already ) 6 75.00%
Voters: 8. You may not vote on this poll

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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 05-27-2010, 11:22 PM
Munroe's Avatar
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New To Android? (I Am!) Best Apps List....

I was going through appbrain (www.appbrain.com) to start picking out all the apps I want on my Evo, so when I pick it up on the 4th I can basically have them all ready and downloadable instead of browing the market for hours. I want my Evo to be ready as I am to use it!

Basically I found this list of great apps, I didnt really think all of them are necessary but a majority of them are great. Feasible. Solid applications and the majority of them are free.

Happy hunting and dont forget to say thanks if you found this helpful~


another good one:


FYI- a lot of them seem like they are meant for use overseas.... still extremely helpful and informative

Hope everyone has a great Memorial day weekend! Too bad Sprint didnt release the phone THIS Friday so we could all brag and show it off to all our friends. Give all those iPhone fanatics a run for their money in public. lol. I guess we still have the whole summer to do that!
I'm still a n00b, and thats fine with me!


Last edited by Munroe; 05-27-2010 at 11:42 PM.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Evo 4G

android apps, evo, google apps

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