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  #641 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 12:41 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by timsmooth View Post
Call Bluff is there I think. Tcpmp does not exist, no bt audio to route media audio to the bt headset. No TV apps period outside of Sprint tv. WinMo has about 250 channels. Mobi Tv, spb tv, the channer, My Player, and Sprint TV.

There is a Speed increase between the 2 phones, but not enough to floor me or anything. I will do a you tube on sprint tv and clock which one opens up faster. Youtube ripper on Android is terrible becuase it does not work. I like tlk radio, but there no way to listen to it on Android. Browser barely supports flash native or Skyfire. Winmo has Spb radio and I can listen to hundreds of tlk radio stations.

Instead of splitting audio and routing phone call audio to the Bt headset and Media volume to the speaker while on call Android forces them both through the BT headset, but once call ends media volume comes back out the speaker. Stupid.

Android does have its perks, but I am giving up a lot of stuff. I wish sprint had the HD2, and I would leave Android to grow up. Evo will end up being my back up or sold. This is my opinion. Everyone has there own expectations of the phone others may expect different things. I am not a fan boy so I wont just accept a honey dipped half way attempt at calling this the best phone ever.

I would look past a lot of things if I could hear my audio through my headset. I would also like to see some more tv and videos on this big screen. Bottom line the TP2 and the Evo are latteral movements. For me it is like going from making 54,000 to 60,000 dollars a year, but the 60,000 dollars comes with a 6,500 dollar mandatory tax. Point is I feel like I am getting less and paying more. I get a lot of eyecandy from the evo though.

I understand your case, but haven't you noticed most winmo user are switching over. That windows you are using now will be the same for the rest of its life. Winmo is changing after this year and android is pretty much the only open source phone out.

Yes winmo has some amazing apps, but once all the devs get a hold of the evo and start creating apps and making them better Roms, Winmo is done for.

I have been a Winmo user since the Motorola Q and nothing much has really changed besides the cosmetics, company put on it to look more appealing. So to compare this phone to a winmo phone that been out for some time and still give you problems with amazing roms from Mighty Mike, Energy and many more other devs its definitely a problem.

Winmo is like an NBA player who was dominant years ago but age has caught up to it and there is no room for improvement. There is nothing going for it from here on out.
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  #642 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 12:47 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
I don't think the Evo is for everybody, and certainly not for you OP. I don't think you spent enough time with the device to get to know what Android can really do.

It seems to me that your biggest gripe is that you can't get certain apps on Android. That is not the phone's fault...its the OS.

Furthermore, you never mentioned, so I'm assuming you never tried, all the other capabilities of the phone. How about the multi-tasking? Windows Mobile can't keep up. Simple as that. My TP2 will lag considerably when I run too many things. And how is that keyboard lag treating you on WinMo? Doubt you will notice it on the Evo. Apps, internet, etc open up so much faster compared to the TP2. I love my TP2, but the Evo is like a God send. I'm sure many of us have had problems with that phone either being too slow or because of WinMo.

Change is not always bad, you have to try to figure out what the phone and OS can actually do. This is not WinMo, and I would cry if it was. WinMo 6.5 is dead.

Like I said before, if you can't justify paying $40 more per month to switch plans to use this phone, then don't. Its your money. But to say the phone is not great due to some of the OS limitations is not a very good review.

In actuality, WinMo has more limitations than Android.

Agreed, this phone runs extremely well out the box, so just imagine when the devs get a hold to it.
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  #643 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 01:32 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by Mazzakre View Post
What interface is that guy using on the TP2? Doesnt look like anything Ive ever seen and definitely not stock. Also, hes got live wallpaper running on android and who knows what else. EVO can handle multitasking much better than the TP2 so there may be other things running in the background of the evo and none on the tp2. Dont take that at face value
SPB mobile shell is the UI on the TP2 well worth the added functionality. SPB will raise the standards of what you will expect from the EVO. Mobile shell is like Beryl or compiz on Ubuntu if you know anything about linux. Pm me for more on SPB mobile shell.

These are both the stock roms nothing special, and yes I probably have a few unnecessary processes running on the TP2, but I like the nexus background on the EVO so I use it. Whats the point of having it if I cant use it. The proof is in the pudding. The TP2 should have been crushed, but it was not. So much for the Richer experience sprint was gabbing about. I will keep the Evo for now to replace my n810, but not replace my TP2....yet. Maybe if Froyo does not disapoint

Dont hate me because I aint a brainwashed fan boy who will accept what ever is thrown at me. Just becuase you believe the add does not mean I have to. There are other performance issues that exist. Taking pictures with the phone results in a corrupted memory card every day. What use is a 720 cam if it only works sometimes?

"Often times it would take up to a minute for the controls to show up onscreen. And oddly, they can only be oriented to take pictures in landscape mode. And it’s far too many clicks to switch between the front and rear cameras (this is buried in the camera settings area). But all of that is somewhat excusable – what’s not is that more than half the time while trying to take a picture, I would get the message “Unable to save file to SD card due to insufficient file permissions.”" from the iphone users take on evo

Do not get me wrong as I like the phone, but there are better or just as good that already exist for cheaper. Hopefully Froyo fixes these problems, but for now it is a good try, but not good enough for me. Maybe you will be satisfyied with paying more for getting less.
All hail the Evo. May my TP2 RIP
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  #644 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 01:43 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by timsmooth View Post
SPB mobile shell is the UI on the TP2 well worth the added functionality. SPB will raise the standards of what you will expect from the EVO. Mobile shell is like Beryl or compiz on Ubuntu if you know anything about linux. Pm me for more on SPB mobile shell.

These are both the stock roms nothing special, and yes I probably have a few unnecessary processes running on the TP2, but I like the nexus background on the EVO so I use it. Whats the point of having it if I cant use it. The proof is in the pudding. The TP2 should have been crushed, but it was not. So much for the Richer experience sprint was gabbing about. I will keep the Evo for now to replace my n810, but not replace my TP2....yet. Maybe if Froyo does not disapoint

Dont hate me because I aint a brainwashed fan boy who will accept what ever is thrown at me. Just becuase you believe the add does not mean I have to. There are other performance issues that exist. Taking pictures with the phone results in a corrupted memory card every day. What use is a 720 cam if it only works sometimes?

"Often times it would take up to a minute for the controls to show up onscreen. And oddly, they can only be oriented to take pictures in landscape mode. And it’s far too many clicks to switch between the front and rear cameras (this is buried in the camera settings area). But all of that is somewhat excusable – what’s not is that more than half the time while trying to take a picture, I would get the message “Unable to save file to SD card due to insufficient file permissions.”" from the iphone users take on evo

Do not get me wrong as I like the phone, but there are better or just as good that already exist for cheaper. Hopefully Froyo fixes these problems, but for now it is a good try, but not good enough for me. Maybe you will be satisfyied with paying more for getting less.
What a Debbie Downer. The corrupted memory card is a fault on HTC's part. Who wants to keep a class 2 memory card anyway? I've got a Class 6 16GB waiting to go in. Why would you listen to what an iphone fanboy says anyway? If you love the iphone so much, go get one. But beware that you have until Monday to buy an unlimited plan with your new awesome iphone! And by awesome I mean exactly the same as every model crapple has ever put out http://money.cnn.com/2010/06/02/tech...t_iphone_ipad/.
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  #645 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 01:51 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

do us and yourself a favor tim, sell your evo to someone who may enjoy it more.
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  #646 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:04 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by timsmooth View Post
SPB mobile shell is the UI on the TP2 well worth the added functionality. SPB will raise the standards of what you will expect from the EVO. Mobile shell is like Beryl or compiz on Ubuntu if you know anything about linux. Pm me for more on SPB mobile shell.

These are both the stock roms nothing special, and yes I probably have a few unnecessary processes running on the TP2, but I like the nexus background on the EVO so I use it. Whats the point of having it if I cant use it. The proof is in the pudding. The TP2 should have been crushed, but it was not. So much for the Richer experience sprint was gabbing about. I will keep the Evo for now to replace my n810, but not replace my TP2....yet. Maybe if Froyo does not disapoint

Dont hate me because I aint a brainwashed fan boy who will accept what ever is thrown at me. Just becuase you believe the add does not mean I have to. There are other performance issues that exist. Taking pictures with the phone results in a corrupted memory card every day. What use is a 720 cam if it only works sometimes?

"Often times it would take up to a minute for the controls to show up onscreen. And oddly, they can only be oriented to take pictures in landscape mode. And it’s far too many clicks to switch between the front and rear cameras (this is buried in the camera settings area). But all of that is somewhat excusable – what’s not is that more than half the time while trying to take a picture, I would get the message “Unable to save file to SD card due to insufficient file permissions.”" from the iphone users take on evo

Do not get me wrong as I like the phone, but there are better or just as good that already exist for cheaper. Hopefully Froyo fixes these problems, but for now it is a good try, but not good enough for me. Maybe you will be satisfyied with paying more for getting less.
not froyo, hopefully someone knows how to build a rom. you're blaming 2.1 eclair for your memory card erasing, why is he the only one saying that? many people have evo's and nobody has reported this, could be user error. the fact that you're up here saying android is whats causing your memory card issue and hopefully froyo fixes it kills me.
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  #647 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:13 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

NO this has been reported and supposedly already addressed by Sprint as a software issue on the free evo's given out at Google IO. So as of right now they know about it and have already fixed it we will see on the 4th. Others have also said switching out the included card for another would fix it. Another said his was formatted in fat instead of fat 32 in which case I can't believe it would work at all because fat 16 is only good for 1.6 gig it was never intended to function on 8 Gig. So reformat your SD card to fat32 and see what happens.
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  #648 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:21 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by arsmithsr View Post
NO this has been reported and supposedly already addressed by Sprint as a software issue on the free evo's given out at Google IO. So as of right now they know about it and have already fixed it we will see on the 4th. Others have also said switching out the included card for another would fix it. Another said his was formatted in fat instead of fat 32 in which case I can't believe it would work at all because fat 16 is only good for 1.6 gig it was never intended to function on 8 Gig. So reformat your SD card to fat32 and see what happens.
Ok I will give it a shot.
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  #649 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:25 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

It's so easy to switch to the front camera, it's silly. It's as easy as any other setting. Just slide out the "curtain" from the left, press the little "gears" on the bottom, and the 1st choice is "Switch Camera". Just touch that choice, and you're done. Switching resolution or anything else takes at least one more press.
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  #650 (permalink)  
Old 06-02-2010, 02:28 PM
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Re: Got My Evo_Thoughts after 24hours

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
It's so easy to switch to the front camera, it's silly. It's as easy as any other setting. Just slide out the "curtain" from the left, press the little "gears" on the bottom, and the 1st choice is "Switch Camera". Just touch that choice, and you're done. Switching resolution or anything else takes at least one more press.
how is the front facing cam? pic wise and such...oh have I told you I hate you yet??....jk Im sure you have been getting that a lot.lol



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