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-   -   $10 is really bothering you? Check this out. (http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/showthread.php?t=121441)

mnjparks 05-18-2010 02:16 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
Its like a huge fat lady walking down the street in a bikini, you don't want to look but it is just so ridiculous that you have to just stare and stare and stare. Wow! Your right why am i still in here reading about how some people just want to complain instead of just passing up the Evo. Why, Because I will see this on launch day. As much as they TRY NOT to understand business sense, customers will still be complaining about the $10 charge while buying the phone. Deep down inside these people know its worth it. They are just spoiled and think that their whining and complaining will make people mad enough that in the end the company will sink, giving these foul, rotten people a sense of liberation/satisfaction. Shame on all you whinny ass people, and shame on me for using a fat person illustration. Stop making up your hollow, hateful, slandering, half truth, gimmicky retaliations against the carrier for trying to make money and keep profit up enough to take care of their customers properly. Dan Hesse did not lie, he did not say that premium phones wouldn't come out with premium charge. What he did say was that 4g is going to be cheaper and that Sprint will pass that on to their customers. So if you want to get real nit picky the charge should only be for people that are not in a 4g area, or once 4g is rolled out more then get rid of the $10 premium.

BlackDynamite 05-18-2010 02:32 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by mnjparks (Post 1759145)
Its like a huge fat lady walking down the street in a bikini, you don't want to look but it is just so ridiculous that you have to just stare and stare and stare. Wow! Your right why am i still in here reading about how some people just want to complain instead of just passing up the Evo. Why, Because I will see this on launch day. As much as they TRY NOT to understand business sense, customers will still be complaining about the $10 charge while buying the phone. Deep down inside these people know its worth it. They are just spoiled and think that their whining and complaining will make people mad enough that in the end the company will sink, giving these foul, rotten people a sense of liberation/satisfaction. Shame on all you whinny ass people, and shame on me for using a fat person illustration. Stop making up your hollow, hateful, slandering, half truth, gimmicky retaliations against the carrier for trying to make money and keep profit up enough to take care of their customers properly. Dan Hesse did not lie, he did not say that premium phones wouldn't come out with premium charge. What he did say was that 4g is going to be cheaper and that Sprint will pass that on to their customers. So if you want to get real nit picky the charge should only be for people that are not in a 4g area, or once 4g is rolled out more then get rid of the $10 premium.

#1: Dan Hesse DID lie. He said my plan included EVERYTHING. He then said 4G (the only new service since then) would be free. So then why do I have to pay extra?

#2: I'm not the shut up and go down quietly type. Maybe the complaining will help, maybe it won't. But one thing is for sure, I am going down swinging. You're out of your mind if you don't think Sprint has cronies reading all these message boards and execs discussing this fee every single day. There have been many examples over the course of history when consumers took action like this and the company caved. So you can pay your fee like a good little sheep if you want. But don't come in here trying to put us down for protesting this ridiculous fee. My service isn't changing, so my bill shouldn't be changing either.

Sauske 05-18-2010 02:33 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by mnjparks (Post 1759145)
Its like a huge fat lady walking down the street in a bikini, you don't want to look but it is just so ridiculous that you have to just stare and stare and stare. Wow! Your right why am i still in here reading about how some people just want to complain instead of just passing up the Evo. Why, Because I will see this on launch day. As much as they TRY NOT to understand business sense, customers will still be complaining about the $10 charge while buying the phone. Deep down inside these people know its worth it. They are just spoiled and think that their whining and complaining will make people mad enough that in the end the company will sink, giving these foul, rotten people a sense of liberation/satisfaction. Shame on all you whinny ass people, and shame on me for using a fat person illustration. Stop making up your hollow, hateful, slandering, half truth, gimmicky retaliations against the carrier for trying to make money and keep profit up enough to take care of their customers properly. Dan Hesse did not lie, he did not say that premium phones wouldn't come out with premium charge. What he did say was that 4g is going to be cheaper and that Sprint will pass that on to their customers. So if you want to get real nit picky the charge should only be for people that are not in a 4g area, or once 4g is rolled out more then get rid of the $10 premium.

I agree with you!!!!

And one crucial point Cicatrize fail to mention is that with that 69.99+10=79.99 plan you can talk to anybody with a cell phone, including prepaid for free! Your minutes will deplete only will you call a land line phone! People will just whine and complain:blah5: just to do it! Verizon has the highest price plans but no one complains? Then Verizon remove the program that rewards long term customer! So it cracks me up when people do absolutely no research:study: and realize the stupidity in what there saying!:banghead:

TouchProII 05-18-2010 02:43 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
I bitched about the $10 extra for all of about five minutes, then, I quickly got over it. As mentioned, the uncapped "true" unlimited data is clearly the deal breaker. I easily go over my 5GB limit per month, even though I have an unlimited data plan for my phone. I typically average around 11GB in data a month ... and that's WITH conserving and trying to be mindful about what I do with my internet connection. I'm always walking on eggshells with my internet usage. So it will truly be a blessing when I can do whatever the hell I need to do, online, without worrying about too much bandwidth and whatever else.

TouchProII 05-18-2010 02:44 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Sauske (Post 1759156)
I agree with you!!!!

And one crucial point Cicatrize fail to mention is that with that 69.99+10=79.99 plan you can talk to anybody with a cell phone, including prepaid for free! Your minutes will deplete only will you call a land line phone! People will just whine and complain:blah5: just to do it! Verizon has the highest price plans but no one complains? Then Verizon remove the program that rewards long term customer! So it cracks me up when people do absolutely no research:study: and realize the stupidity in what there saying!:banghead:

Wow, you answered a question that I was going to asked. I was wondering if Sprint's unlimited plan also covered pre-paid phones. Glad that it does. Now I'm definitely good to go. June 4th can't get here fast enough!

gTen 05-18-2010 02:46 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by TouchProII (Post 1759169)
I bitched about the $10 extra for all of about five minutes, then, I quickly got over it. As mentioned, the uncapped "true" unlimited data is clearly the deal breaker. I easily go over my 5GB limit per month, even though I have an unlimited data plan for my phone. I typically average around 11GB in data a month ... and that's WITH conserving and trying to be mindful about what I do with my internet connection. I'm always walking on eggshells with my internet usage. So it will truly be a blessing when I can do whatever the hell I need to do, online, without worrying about too much bandwidth and whatever else.

You do know that sprint used to be totally unlimited before and then decided to add the 5gb cap..so whats stopping them from in the future make your plan a 10gb cap and then for $10 on top of that you get a "truly unlimited plan"?

TouchProII 05-18-2010 03:04 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by gTen (Post 1759176)
You do know that sprint used to be totally unlimited before and then decided to add the 5gb cap..so whats stopping them from in the future make your plan a 10gb cap and then for $10 on top of that you get a "truly unlimited plan"?

I'm not even really sure how to decipher what you were trying to ask or tell me, but assuming I understood enough ... Sprint is not the only carrier who imposes data caps on their customers. ALL cell phone companies do it ... Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, even that Cricket crap was capped when it first came out. All I know is, once I pick-up my phone on the 4th of June and I enter into that agreement/contract, Sprint can not change-up and limit my data usage, without lawfully voiding my contract and allowing me to disconnect my service (without penalty), if I do not consent.

jbearamus 05-18-2010 05:25 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by sanjsrik (Post 1757358)
YOU may not be talking about 4G, but THAT is what the fee is for from Sprint. They're CHARGING $10 extra for unlimited cap (which strikes me as funny that they finally openly admit that their "unlimited" meant sort of unlimited) and for 4G service. They're going to load the EVO up with a crapload of useless apps that pull from the network (so they claim) constantly. I'll wait for about 6 months possibly. I'm sure the extra "load" on their system is going to kill them if they're openly admitting that the EVO is going to be pulling data constantly. As always, I'm sure they're underestimating the actual usage and are going to get slammed with users and their usage demands.

I'll be chuckling when they have to remove the $10 fee because they'll have to reneg on their "unlmited" feature when people are streaming entire movies to their phones and choking the network.

have you used android? it will be constantly pulling data and not just because of what sprint puts on there. android itself will pull plenty let alone the extras from Sense and whatever apps you want to download

After having Windows Mobile, WebOS, and Android, I can tell you that by far Android uses the most data out of all of them even though my actual web browsing habits were about the same for all three, its all the extras piled into Android that eat all the data, the same extras that make Android awesome

jbearamus 05-18-2010 05:26 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim (Post 1757351)
Salty has a point, T-Mobile hspa+ coverage (which will be T-Mobile's whole 3g network) will cover more 4g then sprint by years end.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

i wouldn't mind seeing the estimates for tmobile if you have them. sprint's 4g is supposed to be at 130+ Million by the end of the year

jbearamus 05-18-2010 05:32 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by radar369 (Post 1757531)
People......please don't forget that, how guilty Sprint may seem, that $10 charge isn't JUST for 4G! Again..........we don't know what all it covers because the phone hasn't been released yet for us to play with it to see what it does!

Sprint kinda made me look stupid.....in a way.....because they rolled out that $10 charge right after I stated that Sprint wouldn't charge for 4G if its not in your area..........but I am REALLY ANXIOUS to see how many people get this phone and say "WOW, who cares about the $10 charge.....this phone is the $#!T"

i actually played with one today 5/17 and that's exactly what i thought. after using it i had forgotten all about the rate plan increase and i bet that's what sprint is banking on, that you wont even think about it once you start using it
especially since what are the alternatives where you can get a similar experience? the Incredible, rate plans way overpriced, or N1 and my area is one that tmobile's network sucks so that's not really an option

jbearamus 05-18-2010 05:33 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize (Post 1757541)
Look what the iPhone did to AT&T's network. I think Sprint is trying to avoid this from happening by getting some extra money to make sure their network doesn't face the same perils.

except that in 3g areas it probably wont sell an obscene amount more than any other phone and in 4g areas, the network can handle 5 phones in the same amount of space that 3g can do 1 so i'm sure sprint isn't worried about it

jbearamus 05-18-2010 05:41 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by rose1 (Post 1757833)
Also, If I remember correctly, someone from sprint said that the $10 charge is not for 4g, it's what you have to pay for having the best phone in America.

problem with that thought though is the only reason it is the best phone in the country right now is the 4g, the Incredible has everything else just with a slightly smaller screen, a screen that actually has the same resolution so in actuality would look better
so throwing out that one discrepancy the only difference between Evo and Incredible is 4G
so using your reason, how is the charge not for 4G?

Lost My Mind 05-18-2010 06:45 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
When we look at this, we have to consider what the 10 dollar charge is truly for. I've seen some people on this forum (but not this topic) say "it's just to recoup the discounted price of the phone".

This is discredited for three reasons. The $10 charge will ALWAYS be on your bill. For the rest of your time at sprint as an Evo user. So, $450 - $200 = $250 that has been discounted with the price of a 2 year contract. $10 x 24 = $240. So it would take 25 months to recoup that $250 they discounted by putting a fee. However, on month 26, they would in fact make a profit.

Reason two: If you buy the phone full price, no contract at $450.......you still get that charge.

Reason three: EVERY cell phone gets discounted if you sign a contract. The longer they can keep you the more profit they make, and they can easily recoup the price of that phone that way. This is the only phone with the fee.

So we know the fee isn't to recoup the cost of the discounted price of the phone itself.

Some people believe that the fee is being used to help build the 4G network. This MAY be true in the short term, but what happens when its 100%? After that its just pure profit. I could understand if the fee was flat out said to end when 4G is fully implemented. Or if the fee was applied to you for 12 months, and it was said to only be applied for 12 months while they help build the networks 4G towers. The fee is endless.......you could be paying it for 10 years, should you decide to stay with sprint that long. From what I was told on the phone, the fee stays with you as long as you own (not use, but own) an Evo.

Some people say the fee will be used to maintain the network, and avoid an AT&T style crippled network. At first glance this reasoning has some validity to it. When an item is hott, and people want it, they buy it in mass doses. They use the service in mass doses. The mainstream society all buying the Evo at once, paired with the fact that the device itself is capable of faster speeds, and without limits? Yeah, I could see how that argument could hold ground at first. Here's the problem with that. The iPhone IS a mainstream society toy. The Evo is a tech junkie's wet dream. The iPhone is simple, easy for the masses to fall in love with. The Evo is powerfull, and runs the highly customizable/highly complex android operating system. The Evo will be a major hit with the ever growing tech populace. The Evo will not reach mainstream status anywhere NEAR iPhone. The Evo will be beloved 100000x over the iPhone by visitors of this site. The general population may not even know the device exists, unless it gets some really powerful advertising......and even then, it'll be too hard for them.

Simply put, The Evo will not be as draining on the network as iPhone is, simply because it wont be as popular.

Now lets look at the more popular belief that the phone will consume more data due to it being 4G.

The idea being that if you CAN consume data at a faster rate, that you WILL consume data at a faster rate. Here's the problem I have with that...I don't want to consume data at a faster rate. Currently I'm on an old Alltel plan waiting for my contract with (now) Verizon to expire next month. I have the HTC Touch (vouge). This phone doesn't even have 3G. It has Evdo. I'm fine with Evdo. For me, 3G will just be a step up. I'm fine with that too. I want this phone because of the phone itself. The front facing camera wins BIG points with me, as does the HDMI out, and 720 video recording. Data consumption? Meh. I could care less about using web on the phone. I DO have a laptop. Its fine and all that they want to offer 4G, but for the argument to be valid that $10 will be simply overlooked just because it's 4G and no data cap, wouldn't one have to first assume that data cap was an issue to begin with, and 4Gs services would even be used regularly?

I can find no reason why the $10 isn't "for" 4G. In my mind that's all that it is. Anyone defending otherwise is blindly obeying because they love the phone.

So yes, I DO believe the $10 charge is directly a result of the Evo. I also believe they are doing this not so they can maintain the 4G, but rather to profit from it. If it were a choice, I wouldn't complain. At all.

If they said "heres what you get for 69.99, insurance is extra, and then you have taxes......also, if you want 4G with no data caps, thats 10 dollars more as well", then I would have no issue with it. I personally wouldn't opt-in for the $10, but i'm sure many wanting 4G would.

By making it a choice sprint could bring in so many people (myself included) who would switch to it for the cheaper plan, and awesome phone hardware. By NOT making it a choice, the plan is no longer cheaper. So you force people to wonder if they really want the plan. Also, by telling people this phone, and this phone alone, comes with a $10 charge.....your scaring away any casuals you may have originally lured in.

gullzway 05-18-2010 07:32 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Lost My Mind (Post 1759272)
Currently I'm on an old Alltel plan waiting for my contract with (now) Verizon to expire next month. I have the HTC Touch (vouge). This phone doesn't even have 3G. It has Evdo. I'm fine with Evdo. For me, 3G will just be a step up.

I'll let you in on a secret, EVDO "is" 3G!


Lost My Mind 05-18-2010 08:32 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by gullzway (Post 1759287)
I'll let you in on a secret, EVDO "is" 3G!


I was still talking about the HTC Touch (Vogue) when I said that. The Vogue is only an evdo connection, not 3G.

eman 05-18-2010 09:43 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Lost My Mind (Post 1759334)
I was still talking about the HTC Touch (Vogue) when I said that. The Vogue is only an evdo connection, not 3G.

eman <- puts his head down in shame for LMM.

Cicatrize 05-18-2010 10:02 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Lost My Mind (Post 1759334)
I was still talking about the HTC Touch (Vogue) when I said that. The Vogue is only an evdo connection, not 3G.

I'm just going to go ahead and reiterate what the other guy said.

EVDO is 3G. lol

capthr 05-18-2010 10:03 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
EVDO is 3G

p-slim 05-18-2010 10:23 AM

Re: Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by jbearamus (Post 1759255)
problem with that thought though is the only reason it is the best phone in the country right now is the 4g, the Incredible has everything else just with a slightly smaller screen, a screen that actually has the same resolution so in actuality would look better
so throwing out that one discrepancy the only difference between Evo and Incredible is 4G
so using your reason, how is the charge not for 4G?

The incredible doesn't have 720p recording, nor does it have a front facing camera.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Cicatrize 05-18-2010 10:23 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim (Post 1759504)
The incredible doesn't have 720p recording, nor does it have a front facing camera.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

You forgot the kickstand! lol :)

p-slim 05-18-2010 10:29 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
Also, who's to say sprint wouldn't charge $10 if they had the incredible? Sprint has no other phone in this caliber.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

WarChild 05-18-2010 10:39 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim (Post 1759515)
Also, who's to say sprint wouldn't charge $10 if they had the incredible? Sprint has no other phone in this caliber.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Not yet but on June 4 they will have one that surpasses it


tokuzumi 05-18-2010 10:47 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
With this "uncapped unlimited" internet, has anyone actually been shut down for using more than 5GB of data/month through their phone? I'm not looking for "my best friend's cousin's girlfiend..." type stuff. I used to see on the Mogul forums, and prior to the TP2 release, people used their phones for more than 5GB/month, and never even got the first warning.

testacon 05-18-2010 10:53 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg (Post 1759155)
#1: Dan Hesse DID lie. He said my plan included EVERYTHING. He then said 4G (the only new service since then) would be free. So then why do I have to pay extra?

#2: I'm not the shut up and go down quietly type. Maybe the complaining will help, maybe it won't. But one thing is for sure, I am going down swinging. You're out of your mind if you don't think Sprint has cronies reading all these message boards and execs discussing this fee every single day. There have been many examples over the course of history when consumers took action like this and the company caved. So you can pay your fee like a good little sheep if you want. But don't come in here trying to put us down for protesting this ridiculous fee. My service isn't changing, so my bill shouldn't be changing either.

Your service is changing though, your total monthly data RX is going to skyrocket--even at 3G speeds. It seems that everything around this phone is going to be data intensive. Why wouldn't Sprint charge you more for overages? I don't know what the data RX the average person uses for the life of their phone but I have a Mogul that's about 18 months old and has over 6GB on it that's about 350 MB a month average. Now I get an EVO and my data RX shoots to 1GB a month, that's 18GB in 18 months--12 additional GB. That's a lot of bandwidth used, if Sprint wants to charge more now so that it can keep up with the technology we should let them. My understanding of the purpose of this fee is to uncap any excessive data usage that WILL come with this phone. I'm not thrilled with it either but I accept it.

It's time to piss or get off the pot people. Sprint is trying to prepare it's network for a boatload of data, let them cut corners now and we will soon find out how the iPhone people feel in New York and other densely areas when their 3G speed is cut so bad by overpopulation that they get 300 Baud on their iPhones.

Bottom line is this, as long as the technology works as promised, then the fee is justified. If we start sharing problems that AT&T has with overpopulation then this $10 fee starts to become a problem with overbilling for useless services.

WarChild 05-18-2010 11:12 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by tokuzumi (Post 1759549)
With this "uncapped unlimited" internet, has anyone actually been shut down for using more than 5GB of data/month through their phone? I'm not looking for "my best friend's cousin's girlfiend..." type stuff. I used to see on the Mogul forums, and prior to the TP2 release, people used their phones for more than 5GB/month, and never even got the first warning.

It's a soft cap and they don't just shut you off becouse you go over. That's a disscussion for another thread


tool2269 05-18-2010 11:16 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim (Post 1759515)
Also, who's to say sprint wouldn't charge $10 if they had the incredible? Sprint has no other phone in this caliber.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

they wouldnt.. its not a 4g phone

Cicatrize 05-18-2010 11:17 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by tool2269 (Post 1759601)
they wouldnt.. its not a 4g phone

How many times does this need to be said?

The $10 charge is NOT because it's a 4G phone.

p-slim 05-18-2010 11:20 AM

Re: Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by tool2269 (Post 1759601)
they wouldnt.. its not a 4g phone

You're kidding me right. It should be obvious its not for 4g being non 4g users have to pay as well

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

tool2269 05-18-2010 11:20 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize (Post 1759602)
How many times does this need to be said?

The $10 charge is NOT because it's a 4G phone.

uh huh

tool2269 05-18-2010 11:22 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by p-slim (Post 1759611)
You're kidding me right. It should be obvious its not for 4g being non 4g users have to pay as well

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

sucks for them, they'll be paying a fee and won't be getting their webpages to load faster.

Cicatrize 05-18-2010 11:26 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by tool2269 (Post 1759617)
sucks for them, they'll be paying a fee and won't be getting their webpages to load faster.


Oh my god...lol

tool2269 05-18-2010 11:30 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize (Post 1759625)

Oh my god...lol


Cicatrize 05-18-2010 11:34 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by tool2269 (Post 1759635)


Read the last few pages (maybe more if you have less posts/page). Educate yourself. ;)

BlackDynamite 05-18-2010 11:40 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
Is Sprint going to lower my bill if I swap out my Touch Pro 2 for an old Mogul? Your same logic dictates that I would use a LOT less data on the mogul, correct?

Of course they wouldn't lower my bill. So don't give me that crap about this $10 fee being because I will use more data (when I already supposedly have unlimited data anyway).

boredandtattooed 05-18-2010 11:46 AM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
do any of those carriers wanna charge 29.99 extra too for hotspot??? yes i know once its rooted WE shouldnt have to worry about that.. but WE make up a significantly small portion of purchasers

p-slim 05-18-2010 11:58 AM

Re: Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by SaltyDawg (Post 1759657)
Is Sprint going to lower my bill if I swap out my Touch Pro 2 for an old Mogul? Your same logic dictates that I would use a LOT less data on the mogul, correct?

Of course they wouldn't lower my bill. So don't give me that crap about this $10 fee being because I will use more data (when I already supposedly have unlimited data anyway).

Well technically they do lower you bill. Anybody who wants an Evo will pay the $10. Then yes if you change out your Evo for a mogul they'll deduct $10 off your bill.

Sent from my Nexus One using Tapatalk

Cicatrize 05-18-2010 12:01 PM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.
All discussion/debate about loading speed for webpages on EVO/TP2, go here:


WarChild 05-18-2010 12:20 PM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize (Post 1759602)
How many times does this need to be said?

The $10 charge is NOT because it's a 4G phone.

its like beating a dead horse...LMAO you just cant get through to some people.:banghead:


WarChild 05-18-2010 12:21 PM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by Cicatrize (Post 1759709)
All discussion/debate about loading speed for webpages on EVO/TP2, go here:


Thank you for posting that!


WarChild 05-18-2010 12:23 PM

Re: $10 is really bothering you? Check this out.

Originally Posted by boredandtattooed (Post 1759671)
do any of those carriers wanna charge 29.99 extra too for hotspot??? yes i know once its rooted WE shouldnt have to worry about that.. but WE make up a significantly small portion of purchasers

Well actually if you look at any other HotSpot's you'll see the charge way more. It works about to be about half the price for us Evo people.


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