Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))
I suspect that bb just sees u have the $150 credit and goes with that.
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Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
yes they do if they say you onlly have a 1 yr update(75) tell them to check your account that you get the 2yr update(150) not the 1 yr. thats what happened when i pre-ordered it she said on you only get the 1 yr update i told her no im part of the "premier" and get my 2 yr upgrade every year. she checked my account and said i was right and charged me 50 from the evo then i gotta bring the gift card and an extra 150. hope that helps
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Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
it does, when i pre-ordered, he didn't even check. just took my name, money. gave me my gift card, sheet of paper and receipt
Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
I was told when I called Sprint CS, that the $299 price includeds your $150 premier discount...then you do the rebate..but since BB does it for you the final price out the door would be $199. From the jist I got is that they deduct the $150 from the retail price of the phone, plus any other discounts, then give you the price of $199. I don't know how accurate that is since we all know CS reps can be wrong. Either way I have the Evo paid for without even using my debit card....my TP2 is going to my GF sister for $200 :P
Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
When we check your upgrade eligibilty in the system it usually shows your 1 year and 2 year eligibility but for premier customers it drops the 1 year upgrade and only shows your full upgrade, which is every year for premier.
For all you zero's that want the EVO...
Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
I preordered from Best Buy and the EVP.... Best Buy honored my Premier Discount... So I guess which ever gets me the phone first I will keep....
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Re: best buy honor "premier" perks?
they told me the premier discount is only for the primary line i have 2 lines eligible for 75 but the one sprint says is my primary is not eligible yet.