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  #311 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:40 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
Are we seriously going to have OTA updates that we don't even know about? Is this a droid thing, like Apple apparently does?
ota updates are better. What do you want to have to physically need a computer in front of you with a data cable for your updates, like with winmo? I gladly welcome ota updates vs usb data transfer updates.
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  #312 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:46 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
ota updates are better. What do you want to have to physically need a computer in front of you with a data cable for your updates, like with winmo? I gladly welcome ota updates vs usb data transfer updates.
They are okay, I guess, IF you know beforehand what they are, and can manually initiate them. But done without your knowledge, perhaps nullifying your hacks, no way.
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  #313 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
They are okay, I guess, IF you know beforehand what they are, and can manually initiate them. But done without your knowledge, perhaps nullifying your hacks, no way.
the updates have to initiated manually, even with the incredible. the notification will just keep popping up telling you there is an update needed for your phone. Why wouldn't you want to do any updates, that doesn't make sense. Also software updates with android don't erase your settings like with winmo. Some hacks will change but 95% of them will be the same as before the update.
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  #314 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:50 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Lsiten you can still get the receipt..here is what you do..copy that screenshot to photoshop..edit it and print the receipt..now I know he hid the value code..but don't worry the barcode is the value code so you can get it out of the bar code...

oops I wasn't suppose to say that lol..seriously smudge that bar code >.>
LOL. I figured there was some way to make a fraudulent copy. Oh well. Thanks for the partial heads-up!

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
LMAO...nice and done now I just have to head up north to get it...lol
You have to pick up the pre orders by the 5th or they will sell your phone

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Lsiten you can still get the receipt..here is what you do..copy that screenshot to photoshop..edit it and print the receipt..now I know he hid the value code..but don't worry the barcode is the value code so you can get it out of the bar code...

oops I wasn't suppose to say that lol..seriously smudge that bar code >.>
LOL. I figured there was some way to make a fraudulent receipt. Thanks for the partial heads-up.

So you actually have to go on the day of or else your phone is sold? No grace period???
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  #315 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 09:52 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by TouchProII View Post
So you actually have to go on the day of or else your phone is sold? No grace period???
I know Radio Shack is giving folks 48 hours. What is Best Buy's policy? Anyone?
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  #316 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:12 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by WarChild View Post
LMAO...nice and done now I just have to head up north to get it...lol
You have to pick up the pre orders by the 5th or they will sell your phone

thats weak, how they gonna sell a phone some one reserve LOL
thats the whole purpose of doin such LOL...I get paid again on the 27th so I'll cop it anyway
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  #317 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:17 PM
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Cool Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by tj.iscool View Post
thats weak, how they gonna sell a phone some one reserve LOL
thats the whole purpose of doin such LOL...I get paid again on the 27th so I'll cop it anyway
LOL. You a funny dude. And, yeah, you never know what lengths a person might go through to get a discount or something for free. I would think it would be kinda hard for anyone to be able to get away with making a fraudulant receipt. There's so many things that you would have to replicate on the fake receipt to make it legit. Add to that, your name has to be on the reserve list to even have a phone waiting for you. If you're name isn't on the list ... you could have a real receipt and walk into BB and odds are, you wouldn't be leaving with an Evo.
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  #318 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 10:36 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
How do you edit out the ripples?
well there are 2 ways, you cna remove out the colors to plain black and plain white, then place a white layer that is cut out on top of the original (the pro way)

or just simply replicate it from scratch in photoshop.


TouchProII, if your lucky they'll ask for the credit card used to make the reservation..thats if your lucky
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  #319 (permalink)  
Old 05-13-2010, 11:18 PM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

Originally Posted by TheBundo View Post
I think I'll exercise self-control and WAIT, too. If I can't even use WiFi at all without paying $30 a month, it's a deal-breaker, period. So I'll wait and see if the hacks work. I'm also aware that after a year or whatever, this phone will be "crap", just like everyone is now whining about the TP2 (yet it was so great when it came out). This pattern repeats over and over.
This will be the first new hotness phone that I've ever gotten when it first came out. I only first got my mogul well after the TP was out and then got upgraded to a TP and only a week and a half ago I got upgraded to a TP2. I'm still in love with my TP2 and I miss my TP. I guess I'm not as picky as some.

Anyway, point is, I'm excited to be part of the first rounders this time, for the first time!
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  #320 (permalink)  
Old 05-14-2010, 11:36 AM
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Re: official evo 199 at sprint june 4 realese date!!!

UM........just talked to a Best Buy rep over the phone.........told me about the giftcard trick...........but also told me they don't do the rebate.......they just sell you the phone for $199 if you're a new customer or if you're eligible for an upgrade!

Guess I'll be going to Best Buy and not the sprint store.....where I will most likely have to camp out and snipe whoever walks up to the door Friday morning (unless they work there)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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