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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2010, 10:02 AM
akayareal's Avatar
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Pocket PC: HTC Evo No 4g
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Re: Sprint Employees Begin EVO 4G Training; Screenshots a Plenty

Originally Posted by drexappeal View Post
From what I understand, there was a user on Androidforums (before it went down) that is currently doing training for Sprint on the EVO and the "new plan" is not really a "new plan" if you're on an everything data plan (individual or family). Apparently, this is just internal changes that need to be made to the account, so that the options for 4G as a hotspot are available to the line that gets an EVO.

From my understanding, it's like when you go onto Sprint.com and you can add-on services through their website. This new internal coding will allow for people that purchase the EVO to add or delete the mobile hot spot option (and any other added 4G option that's available). Hope that makes sense.
I'll put money on it that this is exactly what the special pricing is. A company that has continued to lose subs cant come with a phone that is supposed to help them add subs and then up the the monthly plan.

Unlike ATT and the Iphone launch, every other major carrier offers an Android device. The Incredible may not have the same specs as it but it does have a lot of similar specs and is out now.

Evo on 3g

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