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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 04-21-2010, 05:54 PM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
Yeah, I don't think switching from Sprint to Boost hurts Sprint one bit since Boost is a subsidiary of Sprint anyway. Therefore, Sprint still generates revenue.

I dont get it, you said you have a $70-$80 legacy/sero plan....so why are you thinking about going to Boost when you can pay around $70 for an individual Sprint everything plan? ($50 if you get discounts applied.) It is still the same price that you pay now. I guarantee you that Boost will not get you the same benefits as Sprint's service does.
Not to mention that Boost will never get Android phones or Palm phones. (If Palm still exists lol)

I dont think Sprint is in bad financial trouble as they were in before. If anything, I think T-Mobile would be the first to go down. Sprint's CEO Dan Hesse has done a very good job turning this thing around. Yeah the plan thing is not very popular with the consumers but at the end of the day when you look comparable plans with comparable features with other providers, hands down Sprint has them beat. The other thing he has done is bring in awesome phones! There was a while where Sprint had a bad lineup, but now they have one of the best.

Change isnt always bad. I understand that everyone is financially strapped right now, but if you really look at the plans and other carriers, you will see that you are still getting a good deal.
I don't think this guy has a clue. go try the boost network and its the same service one is used to with sprint, the only difference is that one is paying only half of the price and there is not contract. this is the way of the future, people are tired of being tied to a company just because you are allowed to have the coolest phone. keep paying your premium price while I enjoy my tp2 on boost for cheap.lol
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 01:24 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

I know this quotes are old, I just didn't see anyone address them, also I don't know how to easily multi quote over several pages

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post

It sucks that Sprint did this to us (I used to have a Sero plan but had to let it go to the everything plan) but at the same time, the plans are still cheaper than any other major carrier when you compare features.
yes they did but they did it for a reason but i'll address that in a few posts because someone else already touched on it

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post
The main thing is that the FCC needs to start regulating the industry because it seems to me that prices will continue to rise unless the companies face some form of public or FCC pressure.
No they don't. The FCC needs to mind their own business, just like most government entities. Thing is you're complaining about rate plans and needing regulation but thanks to the wonders of the free market, rate plans have never been as valuable as they have been before, especially from Sprint. That's actually something I tell a lot of my customers when comparing Tmobile, ATT, and Sprint, is yeah the basic package from Sprint is a little more than it is with Tmobile, but you're getting a lot more in return.
Why bring in the government and screw everything up, just like they always do

Originally Posted by champ052005 View Post

If you think about it, that is what put Sprint in the hole. All these discounts. The only discount Sprint gives now is a $20 off everything plan, and that makes my plan close to what I paid to begin with.
Yes discounts hurt them a lot which is why they've tightened up but there's still several discounts available (obviously not stacked but) such as employer discounts which can be pretty nice or at the very least the credit union discount which is good for 10% and waived activation fees

Originally Posted by p-slim View Post
your insane. And all those legacy customers will probably double their monthly bills. Is supply and demand. The customers sprint will lose from forcing to sero they should be able to gain back from new customers who are smart enough to realize sprint plans are by far better. Most legacy customers will not leave to double their bill and sprint knows that and the customer should as well, youre acting like you want to double your montly bill.
I know what you said and what I'm going to say are very situational because of different things on the plan but
I doubt most legacy customers will be "doubling" their bill to switch to a new everything plan, depending on the situation, for example my family was on an old Free and Clear America plan then last October we switched to Everything Data Share 1500, we added messaging to 3 phones, data to 3 phones, and insurance to another one (for 3 total), picked up an extra 800 anytime minutes and AnyMobile Anytime and it only costs an extra $10/month
So say what you want about Sprint moving people into Everything Data Plans but they are a great value, even from a Sero plan it will cost Sprint more to service the new devices because another post that i'll comment on points out the extra data demands of the new devices, while the true cost of said extra data bandwidth is disputable, the cost will go up

Last edited by jbearamus; 04-24-2010 at 04:08 AM.
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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 01:44 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Cause people are easily blinded by the rage of how sprint is now asking for more money and ripping them off that they would switch carriers even if its more expensive just to prove a point?
I'll start this one off by pointing out that I get paid more for a new activation on ATT or Tmobile than I do upgrading a phone for Sprint
In 4 years of working for RadioShack I've never met someone that's willing to pay more just to hold a grudge, just a couple of weeks ago I had a couple come in and their contract with Sprint was up and they wanted new phones "on any network but Sprint" but after talking to them and finding out they wanted out of their new phones we found out that VZW wanted 180, ATT 170, Tmobile 160, and Sprint 130 and they wanted to switch because they weren't impressed with Sprint's customer service even though they haven't called in years so I told them service has improved (it has I don't care what anyone says) and we'll save them $720 - $1200 over the course of their new contract, and that was before we added their employee discount
So I doubt most people will switch and pay more just to make a point

Originally Posted by sebo View Post
and as gTen pointed out above, Boost (SPRINT's NETWORK) prepaid customers get UNLIMITED everything for $50. guess they're losing money from them too, huh?
Problem is that's all it is, Sprint's Network, if you look at the maps Boost doesn't have nearly as much coverage as Sprint's contract phones do because Sprint won't (and is right to) not pay roaming for Boost phones
Also (without begging customer service to add another cdma phone) Boost only has 2 phones that are 3G so what's the point in having unlimited web?
so no Sprint is losing money on Boost but its also costing them less to run them
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 01:54 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

Originally Posted by z28marols1 View Post
As a side note, has anybody noticed that, on average atleast, the newer smartphones use a lot more bandwidth doing the basics than the smartphones of old? Just doing the basics on my Pre I use 5 times more data than i did on my touch pro. Data bandwidth does cost sprint money, which is probably the number one reason these bandwidth intensive phones are requiring a plan upgrade.

And yes, I absolutely love beating a dead horse.
and this is what I was going to touch on from my first post of the evening.
YES! I have noticed that WebOS and Android, even Windows 6.5 on the TP2 and I'm sure Windows Phone 7 are all using a lot more data than the other Windows Mobile and I'm sure Blackberry phones are using.
These numbers are based on heavy mobile usage but not tethering
on the 6700, Mogul, and original Touch Pro I ran about 250-300MB /month
when I switched to the Pre it jumped to 500MB (probably because of system updates as well as some programs that update themselves and streaming media)
moved to the Hero it jumped to about 750MB (my browser usage did go up slightly but i'm sure it was mostly the self updating widgets as well as streaming media)
when I went to the TP2 it dropped but only to 350-400MB

so yes, definitely all of these new phones with their awesomeness are using more data which is costing Sprint more, although we'll never know as a rate or percentage how much more, its still more
so no, I don't blame Sprint for asking more for these phones, also, Tmobile/ATT/VZW all charge extra for and require data plans on all smartphones anyway, yes i know that "they're doing it too" isn't a good reason, but if they can get away with it (from a business standpoint) why wouldn't Sprint do it to?
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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 04-23-2010, 10:18 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

my .02 cents from the front line(RANT)

As a business they are cutting back on a lot of things
No employee raises, they got rid of the scholarship reimbursement
Even though we are so short staffed they will not hire more bodies.
I have been outta tape for the last 5 months until i brought in my own roll.
And sadly two days later my tape suddenly went missing???
Just a few months ago the email was sent out about all the employee cuts and call centers that would soon be closing.

But even with all that, I still see more new lines every month. Tons of legacy plans finally getting on everything plans. And only 2 to 3 people who come in to deactivate.. personally I try to work with all the deacts, its a curious thing for me.

I realize that besides paying there final bill I will probally be the last person at sprint they speak with, as they give sprint the finger on there way out
after hanging up with retention.

I always ask where they are going now? and there plans for service?
I hear metro and verizon most often, both carriers have a niche, but metro makes me want to roll up a newspaper and hit them on the nose with it while yelling "Dont be Stupid".

For what you pay and what you get back in return sprint is the best. If reception sucks for you then tough $hit, again as a business trying to make money and still provide a competitive service.
They cant give everyone full bars everywhere but if they cover you at work and where you live then stick with sprint. because although upfront the phones cost more you make the money back in a few months paying less for more,

I hate to hear the line i been with sprint for years, followed by i want some free stuff . And sero customers have it good until now because you want a phone who eats up bandwidth... same goes for any legacy plan (That will cover the Free and Clear, Power, Fair and Flex and Employee Referral **any other plan i missed that doesnt have the word everything in the soc code can consider themselves counted") If you want to use a Katana DLx, Moguls, Lotus, Rumor or Rant go ahead they dont have many apps that auto connect or update every 30 mins makes sense if you browse the web when you need it and love to text untill you have bloody numbs for fingers.

If you want a great deal grab some family and friends get on an everything data share plan 1500 and either open a credit union account for the 10% or tell someone at sprint you work at a major company and bring proof a lot of them are good for 15%-25% even up to 27%. If you have 5 people on that plan and get 23-25% off you verage around $28 to $31 a line with any mobile anytime let the kids use up the txt and web mom and dad use the land line mins and grandma is still calling after 9pm because no one told her its 7 now a days

FCC or any other government agency should leave free market stay that way, Free!! T mobile introduces monthly payments for there phones to compete with anymobile anytime and verizon brings out unlimited talk for 69.99 this is businesses competing for your money and it will only work in your favor. Even the prepaid market is working hard to win your money.
metro drops in monthly price, boost gives 50 unlimited and now brings in cdma blackberri to anyone who wants to pay a little extra. virgin mobile has pre paid internet/aircards and a sick $20 unlimited text 10cents a min call, all i do is text this sounds great to me and $10 more gets you web.

id say more but now im just rambling, please discuss all this; and lets use this thread to learn what's out there and not about what Sprint did to us and what underhanded plans they have to get you to get off sero
because at the end of the day you decided to stick with them and not the other way around..

Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.

Last edited by mobius7107; 04-25-2010 at 05:02 AM. Reason: lots of typos and grammatical errors.
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 01:47 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

^^^ you sir, are my hero
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 03:29 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.


I don't see a counter-arguement in there anywhere. That was a great rant. I'm not gonna hate on SERO folks but everyone knows SERO is dying and there's no point in keeping it anymore. 5 lines on a family shared is a great deal and then stack the 24/$20 (now the 24/$10 discount) There are other ways to get a great deal. It just doesn't have the name SERO attached to it and it might take a little research. Get over it.
For all you zero's that want the EVO...
Originally Posted by mobius7107 View Post
Call the Gas and Electric company up and ask for a free months use, Try the Water Company next and see if they give you a % off for working at Walmart or Boeing. Next time you go to Chevron tell the kid who has been there since 2am that you have been a long time customer and want to know where the free gas is and that you want some Ready Now Service too.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 11:18 AM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

I gave up my SERO. Sprint gave me a $70 immediate credit, a monthly credit of $10 and a 19% employee credit I am now paying about $46.50 p/m as opposed to $40 ($30 + $10 for Navigation). With the free mobile to mobile I will NEVER go over mins which I did on rare occasions. Plus the discounts an new phone every year you get for being a Premier Customer. I'm good with it.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 02:15 PM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

Here's a quick story to tell you how god damned stupid people are:

Customer comes in, he has 3 lines, all with the $30 SERO plan on them. He's also paying $10 per line for navigation, and $10 per line for the BIS upgrade. So before tax, he's paying $150 for a collected 1500 minutes. One line (the customer himself) ALWAYS goes over his minutes, so he actually pays about $70/month, the other two lines barely use 200 minutes per month. So now he's up to $170 per month (before tax).

He comes in complaining about his 8330, and how he wants the Hero, and his daughter wants the Pixi, and his wife wants the Moment, but they REFUSE to get off SERO, because it's such a great deal. He then says (very loudly, in a small store) that he's going to go to AT&T and get iPhones for his entire family because Sprint won't "reward their loyalty" and give them the phones they want. Keep in mind, ****tard McGillicutty says "I don't WANT to leave, but you're making me!" Also keep in mind that this are is notorious for having horrendous AT&T service, and Sprint/Verizon have perfect coverage.

Well, I point out to this blithering idiot that he's actually SAVE money by going to a normal family plan, as I can give him more minutes, free nav, a 20% employee discount, and it would be $120/month before tax and insurance. He'd get rid of his overages, get onto Sprint Premier AND enjoy the phones they actually WANTED to use. So not only am I saving this guy $50/month, but I'm giving him EXACTLY what he wants.

He, of course, refuses. Because "Then we wouldn't have SERO". He tells me to cancel his lines of service, I point him towards customer care. The moral of the story is: People are ****ing MORONS.
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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 04-24-2010, 03:10 PM
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Re: I understand sprint is loosing money on the sero plans. if we bought EVO, Nexus1.

^^ so true, stupid people get the best deal available and they assume its the best deal always and forever and refuse to look at their options and see whats really going on

i had a guy the other day on an old verizon plan (legacy verizon plan people are almost as bad as stubborn sero people) and he was hesitant to switch from verizon to everything data share 1500 even though it would've added unlimited data and messaging to 2 of his 3 phones and given him anymobile anytime be he wanted to go home and sit down and do all the math (even though I did it for him the store) and he'll "be back when he comes to a conclusion"
some people...
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