Re: uh oh.. we have a war..
yeah but that can backfire when you don't want to wait 2-3 months for a device that has VERY limited 4G coverage anyways.
Personally I would MUCH rather have the Evo, the Sprint customer service over vzw's, the sprint pricing over vzw, Sprint is better ALL AROUND in every way, except that they take for freaking ever to release phones. Come on, your only android is Moment are Hero? wtf. and whatever happened to "nexus one will be on cdma" what a joke, this phone will be like an old 386 computer by the time it actually gets released on cdma...
poor OMJ has been waiting for sprint to offer ANYTHING other than a big ass bulky pro2... there's only so much you can do on a 2.8" and I love the OMJ vk but you know that diamond is startin to get reeeeeeeeel old.