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  #41 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 01:43 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

I hope this thing doesn't come out in April cause my upgrade is not till July
  #42 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 01:46 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by Briz600 View Post
I hope this thing doesn't come out in April cause my upgrade is not till July
Don't worry...it's not coming out in April. I speculate (based on Sprint's Summer 2010 estimate), the phone should be waiting for you when your upgrade is available.
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  #43 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 02:54 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by Briz600 View Post
I hope this thing doesn't come out in April cause my upgrade is not till July
I'm doubtful that it will. I spoke a Sprint Manager in store yesterday. They weren't given a definitive launch date, but her suspision was similar to mine that the phone would release in June because that's a typical release month for Sprint and apparently the Hero got launched in June last year?

Anyhow, it's probably even better that your upgrade isn't available until July because if you're not able to get the phone right after launch, at least there'll be people that will have used the phone for a couple months that can report any bugs/issues that they notice (which I personally feel happens after any phone is launched).
  #44 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 03:08 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by drexappeal View Post
I'm doubtful that it will. I spoke a Sprint Manager in store yesterday. They weren't given a definitive launch date, but her suspision was similar to mine that the phone would release in June because that's a typical release month for Sprint and apparently the Hero got launched in June last year?

Anyhow, it's probably even better that your upgrade isn't available until July because if you're not able to get the phone right after launch, at least there'll be people that will have used the phone for a couple months that can report any bugs/issues that they notice (which I personally feel happens after any phone is launched).
The Palm Pre was launched in June..not the Hero..the Hero was launched after the TP2...Hero came out in October I think.
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  #45 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 03:25 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
The Palm Pre was launched in June..not the Hero..the Hero was launched after the TP2...Hero came out in October I think.
Doh...Thanks for clarifying. I couldn't remember exactly what she said, but yeah. That's correct. Main thing she mentioned was June, September/October were typical launch months for Sprint.
  #46 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by Krazy4Real View Post
The phone will probably be $199 after $100 mail in rebate and a 2 year upgrade agreement (or one year if you are premiere).
Why would you say $200, lets all not forget the HTC Touch Pro 2 is retailed at $600 and selling at $400 with a $100 MIR. HTC is a bold company. With the specs and new 4g hardware this phone will probably be retailed at $500-$650 and then just minus $150 from that and thats it. I dont see Sprint adding anymore discount now that they have the new Buyback program, if you want the price cheaper sell them your phone. Thats my 2 cents
  #47 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by twisterko2000 View Post
Why would you say $200, lets all not forget the HTC Touch Pro 2 is retailed at $600 and selling at $400 with a $100 MIR. HTC is a bold company. With the specs and new 4g hardware this phone will probably be retailed at $500-$650 and then just minus $150 from that and thats it. I dont see Sprint adding anymore discount now that they have the new Buyback program, if you want the price cheaper sell them your phone. Thats my 2 cents
The TP2 was expensive on contract because SERO users could use it. Android phones require the SEP plans. Sprint will get more money out of those users, so they usually give better discounts.
  #48 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 04:03 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by twisterko2000 View Post
Why would you say $200, lets all not forget the HTC Touch Pro 2 is retailed at $600 and selling at $400 with a $100 MIR. HTC is a bold company. With the specs and new 4g hardware this phone will probably be retailed at $500-$650 and then just minus $150 from that and thats it. I dont see Sprint adding anymore discount now that they have the new Buyback program, if you want the price cheaper sell them your phone. Thats my 2 cents
Actually the reason why TP2 costs more then other phones is because it is aimed at business users who would cough up that kind of money to get a World Phone with a Enterprise grade OS..sprint didn't even advertise the TP2 to the consumer at all.

If they price the Evo that high they will loose to the new iPhone


Just to note sprint may even sell this phone at a lose...they have too much money invested in wimax that if this fails it can ruin the company.

Last edited by gTen; 04-02-2010 at 04:06 PM.
  #49 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 04:55 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

Originally Posted by twisterko2000 View Post
Why would you say $200, lets all not forget the HTC Touch Pro 2 is retailed at $600 and selling at $400 with a $100 MIR. HTC is a bold company. With the specs and new 4g hardware this phone will probably be retailed at $500-$650 and then just minus $150 from that and thats it. I dont see Sprint adding anymore discount now that they have the new Buyback program, if you want the price cheaper sell them your phone. Thats my 2 cents

Sprint wants to get this phone out to as may ppl as possible to get the 4g make out there. plus look at the hd2 on t mobile they have is priced at around $200 the only difference in phones are+ android/wm, hdmi/tvout, 4g cdma/gsm.

sprint needs the business to much to price this thing to high so my guess is $200 price range
  #50 (permalink)  
Old 04-02-2010, 05:57 PM
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Re: Evo *april release *

it wont be April it will be late may or first week of June, April 16th is the day its publicly showed.
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