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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2012, 09:58 PM
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Question Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

Hi y'all.

I am due for an upgrade, and having given up on M$, narrowed it down to SGS3 and Evo 4G LTE.

On specs, SGS3 looks better - 2 GB RAM vs 1, removable battery, longer battery life, slightly better front camera. It is only $30 more at Wirefly. And when I held both in store, they looked and felt very close. I like to do some basic level multitasking - e.g. listen to the music while switching back and forth between editing a spreadsheet and browsing web - which is not a problem with a Windows phone. However, on my wife's older Android phone, I can't switch from a document and expect to find my cursor in the place I left it in. Very frustrating.

However, as I am reading online comparisons, I see a lot of people complaining about the overall build quality of Samsung phones, radio and WiFi signal strength, etc. Obviously there's probably no data on problems just yet.

OTOH, my HTC Touch Pro 2 has been very reliable from day one, and has better reception than my wife's LG Optimus. So, I don't want to go chase the specs and end up with a less reliable hardware.

If you have had a chance to use and compare both phones, I would love to get an unbiased opinion.
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Last edited by Amamba; 08-29-2012 at 10:09 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 02:51 PM
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Well every Evo I have had was rock solid.
I plan on getting the lte soon.
Been sitting on the upgrade for months now.
Everyone I know that has it loves it.

As far as Samsung goes I have had many that were imo junk.
Software issues have always been in abundance on every one I have had.

Sure others will disagree with me but that is my opinion.

The LTE is feature rich and from what I hear build quality is just as good as the other EVOs.

Last edited by rootlinux; 08-30-2012 at 08:12 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 03:21 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

I keep reading up on both phones looking for reported issues. The EVO complaints are mainly with multitasking. Which is important to me. OTOH there is supposedly an issue with Samsung radios being weak and causing reception problems. Which is also very important since I am often traveling in poor reception areas. So looks like both have at least one serious issue. Still don't know what to do
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Old 08-30-2012, 03:38 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

for sprint i would say get the Evo youll see more development
Sprint S3 development isnt as strong

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Old 08-30-2012, 04:28 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

To note, I would read up on specific device issues and not generic ones.

For example, rootlinux, have actually used the evo lte and gs3? Because your response seems to be more towards other HTC and other Samsung devices, not these ones in specific.

Also make sure you are comparing sprint gs3 because the international gs3 has completely different processor.

Amamba - the easiest way is to just buy it on sprint, then return it within 14 days andbuy it at a 3rd party. Nothing substitutes hands on experience.

Though overall the things you mentioned can be tested on store display models too. load up apps on the evo lte and open a bunch of them and see how it does multitasking. Then install an app that checks signal strength and compare both of them side by side on signal strength.
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Last edited by gTen; 08-30-2012 at 04:35 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 08:17 PM
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No gTen I have not used either but I stated it was my opinion.
Every htc device from the Mogul up has been great for its time.

Every Samsung I have had Since the Instinct has been less that great.
Have had better user experience with htc than Samsung.
Devs I talk to will agree.
Samsung lacks in the software department for quality.
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Old 08-31-2012, 12:21 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

Originally Posted by rootlinux View Post
No gTen I have not used either but I stated it was my opinion.
Every htc device from the Mogul up has been great for its time.
Not really, the Evo 3D was pretty much a flop. Had reception issues and etc. That is why a lot of people went for the Photon, due to poor reception on the 3D. (The GS2 had its reception issues too though)

And lets not get started on the original TP. lol

Every Samsung I have had Since the Instinct has been less that great.
Have had better user experience with htc than Samsung.
Devs I talk to will agree.
Samsung lacks in the software department for quality.
Time have changed. For example, the OG Evo is already unsupported by official CM9 while the original SGS still has support.

Also Samsung's software is better then you give it credit for. Unlike sense, Samsung TouchWiz framework adds value. For example, most ICS features already existed inside TouchWiz framework even in Gingerbread. To add to that it is also light unlike Sense which is a resource hog. (Though Sense 4+ is much lighter)

PS Samsung Instinct is not a smartphone.

Though I am not trying to make this into an HTC vs Samsung thing. All I am trying to say is each device has to be looked at under individual bases and things change daily.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-30-2012, 09:05 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

currently have evo lte and love the phone. came to the og evo from touch pro which i like also but knew that android was only going to get bigger. the lte is alot faster but my og evo was much better at multitasking. the new evo is not bad, but when wanting to switch from listening to music to switch to internet, it will "refresh" the internet page i was on(it will resend the data, similar to reloading the page which is sometimes nice like for forums) but the lte is just a much better phone. i friend of mine has the sg2 but still thought the og evo was a step up even though it is the newer phone. Samsung was a good company back they were building a900 and a920's but i believe htc is the top android company out. if they keep making evo's, i will probably continue to still buy them
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-31-2012, 12:57 PM
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Re: Would you pick Evo over Samsung Galaxy S3 and why ?

My main concern with SGS3 now is the reception / radio. I don't like the idea of buying the phone & then returning it 14 days later, for several reasons. Besides, I won't know if there's a problem until I am in the right spot. A week ago we traveled upstate and my wife's phone had no reception half the time while mine had a couple of bars. Good reception for me is paramount. But so is multitasking... I want to be able to listen to the music, browse net, and write down something in a notetaking app or a spreadsheet at the same time - which is not an issue with a 2+ years old TP2. Except I want something faster and with a better screen.

Looks to me like a custom "Senseless" ROM on Evo would be the answer. Sense is just too much of a memory hog.
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Old 08-31-2012, 03:08 PM
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I will agree Sense is kinda bloated but it looks nice.
But for that reason I use Senseless roms and custom launchers.

I can't agree about the 3D.
Mine works great but again I am not using stock kernel so that may help.
My 3G is anywhere between 1.2 to 1.9 megs in most places I go to.
When I first got it I had to have sprint reset it because of bad reception. I downgraded prl also. After that it has been good even after taking new prl updates.

I would already have the LTE if I wasn't enjoying my 3D so much.

The Instinct for sure is a very dumb phone but it was my first touch screen device and it sucked big time.
Older Samsung ( non smart ) phones were built solid.

Did I mention my og Evo got ran over by a fork lift and didn't even scratch.
Still worked perfectly.

Last edited by rootlinux; 08-31-2012 at 03:15 PM.
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