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Old 08-06-2012, 08:32 PM
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"The Fuzzy One"
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Sprint EVO LTE 1 penny for new subscribers

For those who wanted to pick this one up, its going for 1 penny on Amazon Wireless with contract. The catch is you have to be a new subscriber, adding a line brings the price up to 129 and 149 for upgrade.

So if your looking to switch to sprint or feel like creating a new account then closing your old one or something (I offer no guarantees).

Anyways for all those interested I thought it is a good deal.

If you plan on buying one then canceling to get an new evo for 350$ I would suggest first check Amazon's terms as some third parties charge fees if you cancel within a certain time.
Earn some spare cash and get cash back at stores like NewEgg and more:


(My shameless referral link)

Last edited by gTen; 08-06-2012 at 08:34 PM.
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