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Old 06-24-2012, 05:46 PM
yachtspecco's Avatar
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Red face my lte did something bizarre, wifi bug??

I was playing around with my wireless settings this morning and decided to try the best wifi mode (which may effect battery life, yada yada ) and when I left the house and my wifi network I noticed there was no 3g indicated and really poor signal strength on sprint network. I drove several miles before I finally turned off wifi radio and 3g was back to normal?? Turned wifi back on and everything is normal of course it 's not connected to my home wifi because I'm away from home.....bizarre. Anyone else played around with the best wifi settings? Tried it again today with same results. If you go into advanced settings and select best wifi mode it stays connected to whatever wifi it's connected to even if you are well out of range and it will not connect to 3g only 1x until you turn off wifi. May be intentional?? I'll have to read the HTC manual online.

Last edited by yachtspecco; 06-26-2012 at 11:30 AM.
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