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Old 03-28-2013, 12:21 AM
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[ROMs][SharkieROM-LTE v2.5-6/7/13][Stock-3.16.651.3-Rooted-4/27/13]

Flash these ROMs at your own risk. I am not responsible for your device.

Originally Posted by phillymade View Post
This Rom is a Monster. Smooth as a baby's.....well you know. Love the battery icon. New daily for me, if you have not flashed this.....

You must be UNLOCKED and have a CUSTOM RECOVERY installed to flash this ROM.

Change Log v2.5 - 6/7/13
Added the following to /data/app:
-Evernote widget
-Barcode Scanner
-XDA app
-FX File Explorer
-Cache Cleaner
-Script Manager
-Script Manager Widgets
-Facebook Messenger
-Google Earth
-Random Mahjong
-MikMik Forum app
-XDA Forum app
-Norton Identity Safe

Added the following mods:
-ArcReactor Kernel v.44- ThickLizard
-Advanced Power Menu - one_love_420
-landscape Rosie enabled - one_love_420
-CRT shutdown animation (downanimation) - It's been so long, I can't remember who made it, sorry
-SharkieROM-LTE bootanimation - Sharkie405
-HTC Jellybean camera - lyapota
-wifi hot spot hack - aamikam
-Battery Icon mod - Sharkie405
-all apps shown in app drawer
-removed adb icon - Viperboy
-removed gps reticle - SteelH
-disabled exchange security - Socrguru
-added HTC Notes - Rydah805
-long press volume button to skip/previous tracks - one_love_420
-long press back button kills app - one_love_420 (I think...)
-a few build.prop tweaks from MeanBean - MikeyXDA

Removed the following apks:
-HTC Mobile Guide
-HTC EVO 4G smart device manager
-Sprint Music
-all IMEXT9 apks except for English and Spanish
-Sprint Zone

-There are probably more small changes that I'm forgetting. I'll edit this post as they come to me.

-Sharkie405 for the base. See the stock ROM Change Logs for additional base ROM credits.
-dsixda for the kitchen.
-Captain_Throwback for cooking advice.
-OMJ for his latest ROM that I used as my go to when I wasn't sure of the right way to do something.
-See the Change Logs for individual mod credit.

-I recommend doing a full/super wipe of some sort before your 1st flash of this ROM. Personally, I use Superwipe.

-You may wonder while the ROM is flashing, WTF is up with the terminal text being misaligned. Actually, it's not misaligned. I use a slightly modified version of TWRP 2.5 that uses a different font in the terminal screen. It's bigger and easier to read. It's one that Captain_Throwback made. There are some details about it HERE and the download is HERE. If you flash this ROM with Cap's version, it will all be perfectly centered like it should be. So, do me a favor and if you're not already using it, flash it and use it. It's better...

-ArcReactor v.44 kernel
-This ROM uses Arc-Reactor kernel v0.44 (max oc - 1.70) by ThickLizard. This kernel includes sweep2xxxxxx features. If you've never used s2w, I highly advise you read that thread to familiarize yourself with that feature. Otherwise, your phone will be doing all types of crazy things and you won't know why.

If you want to change the sweep settings, go to /system/etc/init.d/00S2W and open it with a text editor. You will see this line:

echo '5' > /sys/android_touch/sweep2wake

You can change the '5' to whatever number gives you the sweep settings you want. '0' will turn them all off. You have to reboot to run the script again before your new settings will take effect. How do I know what sweep settings I want, you ask? This is why you need to read the 1st post of the Arc-Reactor thread. I plan on writing a script/s that will automatically change the settings, I just haven't gotten around to it yet cuz "5' is how I always keep it set. If I'm not mistaken, there are already scripts/apps that will change s2w settings or turn it on/off. I can't vouch for them though cuz I haven't used them.

Besides the fact that I think this kernel is bad ass, is the fact that ThickLizard is a great guy. He supports his work to the fullest and is always willing to help out anyone that has questions or problems. He represents what this should all be about and he knows his sh**.

This kernel runs great as is, in my opinion, but check out "Kernel Tuner" in the Play Store if you're interested in serious tweaking.
-These ROMs seem to work for some s-on'ers and not for others. I'm not sure why. If your're s-on and what to give it a try, follow the steps below. These steps from the stock ROM might work for you. I'm back to being s-off, so I can't currently test, but I was able to flash an earlier version of this ROM with no trouble.
1. Flash the ROM.
2. Hit reboot when ROM is done flashing.
3. If you get a "Fix Superuser Permission?" or an "Install Superuser?" screen, hit the "Do Not Fix" or 'Do Not Install' button.
---It will reboot into the splash screen for a few seconds and then reboot back into twrp/your recovery.
5. When it's done flashing you should be able to reboot normally, or flash whatever mods you want to or whatever.
6. If you're still having trouble, you can try flashing OMJ's Mod Pack DIRECTLY after the 1st ROM flash, then flash the ROM again normally and without any additional wiping. According to THIS post, flashing the mod pack skips the "root permission" screen, which is apparently the problem. Flash it exactly as paperfairy flashed it and hopefully it'll work out for you.
Actually, perhaps any aroma flash would do... Dunno, haven't tried it. If you do, let me know.

If at some point you get stuck in a boot loop, just hold down the power button until it reboots, then hold down the volume down button until it reboots back to the bootloader. Go back into recovery and flash the ROM again.
-This ROM is built from the 3.16.651.3 OTA stock ROM at the bottom of this post (Sense 4+/JellyBean 4.1.1).

-ROM wipes data, system, cache and dalvik-cache.


-Posts to do with SharkieROM-LTE start at post #174

-The Hot Restart option in the APM doesn't seem to work. It gets stuck on the boot screen. It has worked in the past, so I don't think it'll be difficult to fix. I just haven't messed with it yet, but I will.

-Let me know what else you find...

Not all that important OP thoughts on this ROM...

This ROM is still basically a stock ROM with a few tweaks. If you were feeling my stock ROM then you'll probably enjoy this one as well. It's stable and fast, IMO. The only big tweak that I'd like to have and haven't quite figured out yet is EQS (Rosie landscape on/off and the Home Screen menu, primarily). The one in OMJ's mod pack causes settings and random sense widget force closes. Adding EQS is high on my to do list, but you gotta put it out at some point. There's always more to do.

There are a lot of apps in this ROM. It's got all the free apps that I like to have. It's my ROM after all. Be ready to remove some apps. I love not having to worry about space anymore with this phone and so I take full advantage of it.

I also only want to worry about 1 ROM. So I'm not going to make an odexed version. If you'd like an odexed version, use OMJ's tool to do so. IT'S SUPER EASY, trust me.

I also wanted to say thanks again to all those that support/supported my stock ROM. Since it's release it's had just shy of 2000 downloads total. I realize that's not a whole lot, but it was more than I ever expected a stock ROM to get, especially so late in the game. So THANK YOU.


SharkieROM-LTE v2.5

██████████████████████████████████████████████████ ██████████████████████████████████████████████████ █████████████████████████████████████████████

You must be UNLOCKED and have a CUSTOM RECOVERY installed to flash this ROM.

Change Log v.03 - 4/27/13
-reverted to stock wallpaper as default, removed previous default wallpaper
-simplified /data/app write code in updater-script
-removed xHausx's s-on kernel installer mod
-simplified boot.img write code in updater-script
-added HtcFlashlight.apk to /system/app - Just cuz that should really be an included stock app
-added Facebook and Twitter plugins for Friendstream
-added zipalign script to /system/etc/init.d
-updated most market apps and su
-mistakenly removed debugging icon - see this post if you'd like it back

Change log v.02 - 4/12/13
-fixed reboot during flashing and/or reboot during 1st boot issues. Flashing should be smooth sailing now
-moved all updateable/Play Store apps to /data/app
-all apps updated
-as requested, added a de-odexed version

Change log from stock - 3/28/13
-ROM is rooted
-added NextApp-FX file explorer to /data/app
-added etc/init.d support
-added Bash support
-added nano text editor + sysro/sysrw
-added the build.prop wifi hotspot hack
-removed all IMEXT9 files except for English and Spanish
-changed default wallpaper (original is still in ROM)
-all Play Store apps updated
-changed /system/customize/MNS/default.xml to show all apps in app drawer

-jmztaylor for the 3.15.651.16 RUU
-kmdm for unruu.
-kmdm for ruuveal.
-dsixda for the kitchen.
-Captain_Throwback for cooking advice.
-OMJ for his latest ROM that I used as my go to when I wasn't sure of the right way to do something.
-OMJ for his odex script
-HUGE thanks to yankees2450 for helping me get this ROM working for those of you who are S-ON.
-many thanks to mito8485 for testing and prompt feedback

-If you're S-ON, follow the instructions below for flashing.
1. Flash the ROM.
2. Hit reboot when ROM is done flashing.
3. If you get a "Fix Superuser Permission?" or an "Install Superuser?" screen, hit the "Do Not Fix" or 'Do Not Install' button.
---It will reboot into the splash screen for a few seconds and then reboot back into twrp/your recovery.
5. When it's done flashing you should be able to reboot normally, or flash whatever mods you want to or whatever.
6. If you're still having trouble, you can try flashing OMJ's Mod Pack DIRECTLY after the 1st ROM flash, then flash the ROM again normally and without any additional wiping. According to THIS post, flashing the mod pack skips the "root permission" screen, which is apparently the problem. Flash it exactly as paperfairy flashed it and hopefully it'll work out for you.
Actually, perhaps any aroma flash would do... Dunno, haven't tried it. If you do, let me know.
-This ROM will not update your firmware. Go here for that.

-ROM uses stock kernel... It's a stock ROM...

-ROM wipes data, system, cache and dalvik-cache.

-No su apps (SuperUser or SuperSu) installed.

-Works with OMJ's Mod Pack.


-Feel free to use this as a base if you like. It was quite a bit of work to put this together, so a mention/thanks would be nice.

Current Device:
Verizon HTC One M9

Last edited by Sharkie405; 06-10-2013 at 10:30 AM.
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Old 03-28-2013, 12:22 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

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Old 03-28-2013, 12:22 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

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Old 03-28-2013, 09:51 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted


Last edited by Sharkie405; 04-28-2013 at 11:50 PM.
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Old 03-28-2013, 11:04 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

@Sharkie405 Looks awesome. It is even more awesome that you are back into the custom Rom scene!!! Thanks!
PPCG Development Team Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ

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Old 03-28-2013, 12:39 PM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

nice.....your credits say 3.15...I keep checking jmz's site but he still doesn't have 3.16

-jmztaylor for the 3.15.651.16 RUU
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Old 03-28-2013, 12:43 PM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

There is no released 3.16 RUU yet. I got the 3.15 RUU from jmz to start with, accepted the OTA and then incorporated all the new files into this ROM.

Last edited by Sharkie405; 04-02-2013 at 11:16 PM.
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Old 04-12-2013, 06:29 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

Change log v.02 - 4/12/13

-Fixed reboot during flashing and/or reboot during 1st boot issues. Flashing should be smooth sailing now.
-Moved all updateable/Play Store apps to /data/app.
-all apps updated except for Twitter and Facebook. Actually, their apks are the newest versions, but they're still showing up as needing to be updated. I think it has something to do with the HTC versions of both of those apps. It's not high on my to do list, so I haven't worried about looking into it yet.
-added de-odexed version.
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Old 04-25-2013, 11:13 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

Hey, great rom but i have a problem receiving text notification, ill get text but i won't know i have them unless i actually go into my text....thanks
Ou sOoNeRs!!
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 04-25-2013, 11:37 AM
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Re: [ROM]Stock-OTA-3.16.651.3-Rooted

I've never had that issue nor has anyone ever reported that problem. Are you certain that you didn't disable text notifications by mistake somehow?

Thanks for trying out this ROM and letting me know!
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