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Old 12-07-2010, 04:55 AM
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Rearth Sprint HTC Evo Soft Case Review

YouTube - Rearth Sprint HTC Evo Soft Case Review

I would like to thank Blake and Chuong from Rearth for providing me with this product to review! I was and still am blown away with the quality of their products and can't imagine how I have not heard of them before! the link below as promised is the direct link to the Evo cases in all colors mentioned above. if you have any questions feel free to ask and hope that you all enjoy the video and check this case out!

Thanks for watching and take care

Rearth USA | Judge us by the cover!

Be sure to check out their personal YouTube page at:
YouTube - RearthUSA's Channel

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-19-2011, 12:52 AM
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Re: Rearth Sprint HTC Evo Soft Case Review

Sorry to hijack your review Dash but I also got a chance to use this product.

Evo Soft Case Review – Rearth
This is a brief review of my evo softcase by Rearth that I recently acquired. First unlike other softcases I have used, this one is not sticky. The case has a good balance of grip and smooth feel and does not lift lent and spare change out of your pocket . The case fits really nice and have not issues there. I also have my orginal HTC softcase and this one seems a lot thinner. Anyways, Here are some pictures of the case.

I highly recommend this case to someone seeking a softcase but generally doesn’t like the sticky texture like most softcases.

Website here:
Rearth USA | Judge us by the cover!
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