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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-02-2010, 08:50 PM
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HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

Order this from Amazon for $9.99... Excellent case for travel... has room for accessories like a spare battery, charging cable, Microfiber cleaning cloth, extra memory cards and other small personal items... The EVO in a Seidio Active Limited case fits perfectly... Naked EVO has a little extra room but still a nice fit...


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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 05:23 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

ha don't want to offend u but people actually buy these? i put my phone in my pocket when i travel...
Mogul->Diamond->TouchPro->Pro2->EVO 4G-> Q(';')-O
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 05:33 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

i could see this being useful for accessories and such on a trip but if your travelling wont you have your phone in your pocket so it could still be used and heard when ringing...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 06:36 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

For the love of god its an evo not a nintendo ds. This is just sad, I travel all the time, anything extra goes in my laptop bag while the phone simply goes in my pocket.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 07:14 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

yeah seriously this is ridiculous. nothing more than a silicone case is needed.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 07:16 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

My post was intended to be informative and provide othes who may have such a need, as I do, with a solution... Now I understand this is not for everyone but I'm sure there are others out there who may find my post useful... It seems neither of you are interested so why bother to post...?!?!

Originally Posted by lipidfats View Post
ha don't want to offend u but people actually buy these? i put my phone in my pocket when i travel...
Do you also put your charging cable, an extra battery and other accessories you may need while traveling in your pocket or do you tuck them away in you suitcase which you later have to dig for when you need something?!?!

Originally Posted by D/\SH View Post
i could see this being useful for accessories and such on a trip but if your travelling wont you have your phone in your pocket so it could still be used and heard when ringing...
No, I do not put my phone in my pocket while on the road... I typically place it in my center console, whether driving to work or out of town. With the case completely zipped up the ring can be still be heard clearly. Regardless, I used a BT Headset which obviously alerts me of calls and as well allows me to answer them without have to access the phone.

I'm hoping with 2.2 we'll be able to initiate Voice Dial with our BT Headsets...
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 07-03-2010, 07:30 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

People: If you're not interested in the case, move on... If you don't have a need for this style case, move on... If you carry your accessories in your Laptop bag, move on... If your happy with just a silicone case....... you got it, move on...

Why do people feel the need to post negative responses just because it doesn't suit them or their needs... You don't represent every EVO owner out there... Our needs differ from one person to the next...

Again, I was just sharing for anyone looking for such a solution... If you have questions related to the quality, size, material, etc... I will be more than happy to answer and provide my input based on my hands-on experience... As well, if you have the same case and would like to provide your input, please feel free to do so... If you have a similar/alternate solution, please feel free to post...

Game on!!!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 01:23 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

Originally Posted by D\/8 View Post
People: If you're not interested in the case, move on... If you don't have a need for this style case, move on... If you carry your accessories in your Laptop bag, move on... If your happy with just a silicone case....... you got it, move on...

Why do people feel the need to post negative responses just because it doesn't suit them or their needs... You don't represent every EVO owner out there... Our needs differ from one person to the next...

Again, I was just sharing for anyone looking for such a solution... If you have questions related to the quality, size, material, etc... I will be more than happy to answer and provide my input based on my hands-on experience... As well, if you have the same case and would like to provide your input, please feel free to do so... If you have a similar/alternate solution, please feel free to post...

Game on!!!

Thanks DV8, there tends to be alot of negativity, especially from a certain poster ( ) often commenting on just about every post. Which, although some what annoying, totally entitled to his or her opinion as well. Perhaps representing a fraction, albeit small, of EVO users.

My advice would be, don't let it get to ya, as per your suggestion, just take each comment with a grain of salt, if it doesn't interest ya, don't let it deterr ya. Letting their comments get to ya, just gives them way too much credit. (move on)

I enjoy most people's posts and each has something, even if it's just amusing to see how come people react

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Last edited by clockcycle; 07-06-2010 at 01:25 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

Not that it got to me... I was just stating an observation and providing my input on the situation...

These forums are meant to be informative, which is what I was trying to accomplish in my original post... It seemed ever post after that was a waste of forum space and members time, as there was no substance in relation to the product...

I guess with my rant I was hoping to get people to think before posting useless comments... Now a question or comment related to the OP would have been more than welcome. Even a negative comment from someone who may have had some experience with th product, as everyone has their own opinion... Now that would be informative to our members...
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2010, 03:57 PM
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Re: HTC EVO 4G Black Cube Carrying Case

Originally Posted by D\/8 View Post
People: If you're not interested in the case, move on... If you don't have a need for this style case, move on... If you carry your accessories in your Laptop bag, move on... If your happy with just a silicone case....... you got it, move on...

Why do people feel the need to post negative responses just because it doesn't suit them or their needs... You don't represent every EVO owner out there... Our needs differ from one person to the next...

Again, I was just sharing for anyone looking for such a solution... If you have questions related to the quality, size, material, etc... I will be more than happy to answer and provide my input based on my hands-on experience... As well, if you have the same case and would like to provide your input, please feel free to do so... If you have a similar/alternate solution, please feel free to post...

Game on!!!
Hey I agree. If your not interested, why say anything negative? Just skip the post! Simple as ABC.

PS Keeping you phone in your pocked is Ghetto, and will eventually trash it. Especially if you were Jeans. My True Religion jeans would crush and torque a phone this large in my pocket. My son's slider phone died this exact way.
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