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Old 06-14-2010, 04:15 PM
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Any ETA for all those "promised" Evo accessories?

I searched first...

Just wondering... We keep being told "some time soon" by Radio Shack, Sprint, etc., has anyone actually heard a "real" or a 'definitive" date for all those promised accessories?

The unit was demoed for months, the release date was announced for a while, and yet, the absolute and complete lack of accessories for this device baffles me. It's as though everyone was so gaga over the actual device that all the companies were lost in their navels contemlpating it.

Just curious because I don't want to buy a DealExtreme special accessory and then find out that a "branded" accessory is available.

All of this non-information has led me to one conclusion, however. Never believe the hype that when vendors say they're going to be ready for the release of something that they will be.
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