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Old 05-22-2010, 08:58 AM
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Lightbulb Case Holster Combo, Help request it

we all know that Seidio has been around for a long time and many people trust their devices with their innocases and holsters. We also know that a combo like that cost about $50. With all the docks coming out we will need to spend more money on the car mount and hdmi charging dock that will be released as well. I found this holster/case combo for $20. i have the same one for my BB tour and love it ...

currently i just see the case/combo holster for the incredible and not for the HTC EVO ... i sent them a message requesting if they can put one in production for the EVO. I am sure my one request wont do any good but if people here are also interested. Please voice it.


contact form:

only have to fill in the * fields ... hopefully there are people out there that share the same interest and are also looking to save $30 from the seidio combo and put that towards a dock.

Phone History:
Sanyo VM4500, Treo 700p, Treo 755, HTC Touch, HTC Touch Pro, BB TOUR, HTC HERO, HTC TP2, HTC EVO extra 250MB of space DropBox Referral
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