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Old 04-03-2012, 12:05 AM
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[TOOL] HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit Live CD

Hello everyone. This is a breakoff from Unknownforce's HBOOT 1.50 to 1.40 downgrade thread. I created a Live CD to help make the downgrade process a bit easier. It's gained enough of a following in Unknownforce's thread that I decided to create a dedicated thread for the Live CD. I'm hoping that moderators don't mind me creating this thread.

(Test Release)
Version 0.5.1
Mirror - Thanks notsointeresting!
Mirror #2 - Thanks dadda!

MD5 Checksum: 5014B2E79B834173887941C5BE71E7A3

No longer need to do (the old) step 1. You will brick the phone (It's not as scary as you might think). Then, you will type 'downgrade' into the Terminal to do the downgrade. You no longer need to flash an RUU at the beginning, or temp root. Make sure that if you are HTCDev Unlocked that you lock your device before starting. Check Unknownforce's thread for bricking instructions.

Stable Releases are below, but I encourage you to try the test release!

Thanks to:
Unknownforce for the downgrade method.
notsointeresting for mirroring these downloads.
mpgrimm2 for his awesome advise!

I will also quote Unknownforce's thank you list, as I'm pretty sure that most of the programs in the downgrade CD method have some relation to them.
MOVZX, RussianBear, Fuses, Dexter93, TrevE, Crackanug, USSENTERNCC1701E, jcase, The entire Revolutionary team
Thanks to everyone who tested the CD and reported their findings.

If I forgot someone, please PM me, and I'll add you to the list.

What is this?
This is a Live-Bootable Linux-based CD that attempts automates many of the steps that are required for the downgrade process. It's designed to make the task less daunting to users unfamiliar with Linux.

Is this a one-click method?
No. Not quite. It will still require you to use short commands.

Will I still have to work in a Terminal?
Yes... But don't leave yet. Most of the processes are done for you, and require entering a single word instead of a long line of commands.

Should I backup my phone before doing this?
Yes. Whenever doing something like this, you should always make backups! Also, this method will require you to flash a RUU after you are done downgrading and doing the Revolutionary S-OFF. You WILL lose all data on your phone (not SD Card) when applying the 1.13 RUU.

I'm unlocked using the HTCDev method. Do I have to do anything different?
You will have to lock your bootloader before starting. Since you likely already have the benefit of backing up, do that before locking. Lock your device by using the command: fastboot oem lock while in the bootloader (Fastboot-USB mode) on your phone. If you are running a custom ROM, there is a chance that your phone will reboot and give you a Security Warning. You will have to apply a stock 2.08 or 2.17 RUU before proceeding. Get the 2.17 RUU from here, rename it to PG86IMG.zip (If file extensions (.zip, .doc, .mp3) are set not to show in Windows, just rename the file 'PG86IMG'.) and place it on the root (main directory) of your SD Card. Boot up your phone and run the RUU all the way through. Remember, running this RUU will erase all data on your phone (not SD-Card though). Now, continue as if you hadn't taken the HTCDev Unlock.
The HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit Live CD is a bootable version of Linux (don't worry! ) that simplifies a lot of the process of Downgrading your HBOOT from 1.5 to 1.4.

Old Versions.

Mirror - Thanks notsointeresting!
Mirror - Thanks notsointeresting!
Mirror - Thanks notsointeresting!

Please make sure to check out the README file on the desktop.


Please make sure to keep this thread limited to questions and comments on the live CD. For support with the Downgrade method, it's probably best to keep discussion in Unknownforce's thread. I will try my best to support the CD, but I cannot guarentee that I will be able to continue to answer questions about the CD.


0.5.1 - No longer need to do step 1 - Type 'downgrade' into the Terminal to do the downgrade. You no longer need to flash an RUU at the beginning, or temp root. 0.4.1 - New version of emmc_recover - No need to open four terminal windows anymore! - Thanks Unknownforce! - MD5 Checksum: f6be045551ed18c6c22912a6e46f1cd6 0.3.4 - zergRush Temp Rooting -Mainver version change and verification -start command that lists the names of all commands available to the user. -Step Three HBOOT flash for partitions sdb13, sdc13, sdd13, sde13. - MD5 Checksum: 03eac19c68672f3334526580ac91d5bb 0.2.2 - Step Three HBOOT flash for partitions sdb13, sdc13, sdd13, sde13. - MD5 Checksum: 40c1de37fd66f0348770f2a7a53d0998

Android User
EVO 3D / HP Touchpad / Nook Color

I am happy to help whenever I can.
If I make a mistake, I do sincerely apologize.

If I have helped you, let me know! It means a lot, and I love to hear it.

EVO 3D HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit Live CD - Self-contained way to Downgrade your HBOOT from 1.5 to 1.4!

[TOOL] HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit Live CD - xda-developers

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2012, 10:03 PM
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Re: [TOOL] HBOOT Downgrade Toolkit Live CD

This works! Used it the other day....

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