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Old 12-01-2011, 10:40 AM
BigDinCA's Avatar
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Pocket PC: EVO 3D
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EVO 3D voicemail to SD card!

Just a copy of my post on Android Central. I posted this here yesterday as well, but it didn't take... sorry folks. ENJOY!

Just reset my E3D. Not a big deal, except I have to forward all of my voicemail messages to my email so I don't lose them. Everything else is no biggee. Too bad there wasn't a simple way to just save my messages directly to my SD card...

What's this!?!? Once I hard-reset the phone I see an update for my Sprint Visual voicemail?? And now I can save voicemail directly to my SD card? That's fantastic. Thanks for being a little late, Sprint.

The new version is T. I tried to update this manually yesterday but nothing was available. So I just forwarded everything. I thought it was my bad luck. But I just tried to manually update my wife's phone and it shows no update available. Not sure how to get it at this point, but it is out there. I'll update this later after I have a chance to call Sprint. Either way, this is a nice little update.

UPDATE: According to Sprint tech support, this version of the VVM was released at the end of June. Why it wasn't pushed to the phone he couldn't say, but I have been running stock from day one with no rooting at all. Hell, I haven't even side-loaded the new Marketplace yet! Anyway - good luck to everyone getting it. Makes the phone that much better, Sense 3.0 and all. For what it's worth, this isn't a regular firmware or HTC update - you have to access the VM app > Menu > More > Settings > scroll down to Check for Updates Now start saving your EVO 3D voicemailto yourSD card!I havefriendswith the Epic, the Photon and the Epic Touch, and other lower end phones and they have no update available to them... yet. Be the first on your block to be awesome!
Originally Posted by coolwhip1220 View Post
Lol. Yeah, my fiance always says "Geekin it up again, huh faggot?" She's sweet.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Evo 3D

evo 3d, save to sd card, t., voicemail

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