Originally Posted by capthr
Actually the OP would like to put it in roam in his or her office so if it is on automatic that should suffice as phone will roam onto Verizon.
Yes but the crap signal by sprint and bouncing back and forth between providers will rape his(or her) battery by lunch time. By him(or her) roaming exlusively you simply just stay on the stronger signal which will reduce battery drain while he(or she) is at the office. I am in a similar situation as well, when I am at my main office I get 1 maybe 2 bars at best and with my phone set to automatic it will occassionally switch to roaming but the problem is, regardless of how bad that signal is with sprint, as long as I have a signal with sprint it won't switch until the signal drops all together. What this means is if he(or she) has 1 bar at work, the phone will be working that much harder to maintain that signal. That 1 bar will always take priority over full bars while roaming. This is the reason why I paid for roam control, once I am roaming(exclusively) I have 4 to 5 bars and the phone isn't working as hard to maintain that signal compared to crap signal I get on sprint at my office.