Re: Help flashing roms?
Re: Help flashing roms?
The /data partition holds all application settings and all android settings. The process to install a ROM, reboot recovery, wipe /data and /cache. Wiping /data will wipe dalvik-cache, battery stats, rotation data, etc. Install the ROM and reboot. First reboot will take a lil longer as android rebuilds your dalvik-cache. Now, if ROMs share the same base, i.e. you switch from one sense based ROM to another sense based ROM, you *might* be able to get away with not wiping /data. It really depends on the details of the previous ROM loaded and the new ROM loaded. But if you switch from a sense based ROM to a real AOSP based ROM (example: CM7), you will definitely experience bootlooping. Hence, it is commonly best practice to wipe the /data partition whenever switching between ROMs as it will remove any possibility of bootlooping from /data issues. Hope that helps!
Re: Help flashing roms?
Thanks for the info, but my question is what is the recovery process???
It seems that after the new ROM is flashed you can: 1. Restore contacts and calendar from google. 2. Restore apps from market. What is that process? 3. Restore data for apps and system. What is that process? Thanks for any help! Longtime WM user, first android phone.
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