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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 03:30 PM
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Angry Plan Info

What kind of plan did you end up with?

I've been looking forward to the Evo 3D for quite a while, to upgrade from my laggy TP2. And it was my understanding from online research as well as Sprint Rep comments, that all it would entail is an extra $10 per line to accomidate the extra data. (and to help them pay for the expanding 4G network.)

I have an older plan,
Family 550(SM) Plan
Line 1: $59.99 Minimum Monthly Charge
Line 2: Free
TEP for 2 lines, and
Sprint Unlimited Data Pack $5.00.

It's not SERO but for 2 lines, unlimited text & data, I was ok with $86/mo. So I call a CS line to get a little more info before going to a local store. I asked about veteran rewards, and was approved for $70 on both lines. Then I asked about the additional $10/line and why it was being charged in an area with no chance of 4G reception.
I was informed that to upgrade to any "smartphone" I would have to get an Everything plan. (The TP2 isn't a smartphone? lol) She quoted $129. But it gets better, still the $10/line for unlimited data. So everything isn't really everything? Later in the conversation she said it would actually cost me $169/mo. Double my current bill? At this point I told her to reverse the two $70 credits and restore my contract dates.
Anyone have any real info about their own plans? Specifically those that aren't SERO.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 03:43 PM
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Re: Plan Info

The $10 fee was at first just for high-end 4G phones, then later expanded to all their smartphones (with or without 4G). You didn't have to pay with the TP2 because that came out before the initial plan was even introduced. You'll have to get it with any new smartphone now though.

Everything data family plan (lowest- 1500 minutes) is $129.99 for two lines, every additional line after that will cost an additional $19.99. Plus $10 per smartphone line for the "data fee."

That being said, I thought once you're grandfathered, you can still upgrade to new phones and keep the current plan? I know sometimes Sprint tries to get people onto the new plans when it's not necessary... I'm not sure because they're always changing policy and they used to not care as much in the past.

If they won't let you keep your plan, you should just buy the phone off-contract at $350 more than the $200 upgrade price - that's peanuts compared to how much more you'd be paying if your plan doubles. I assume they'll just tack on the $10 fee if you buy at full price.

Last edited by Clipp; 07-06-2011 at 03:49 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 04:12 PM
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Re: Plan Info

Originally Posted by Clipp View Post
If they won't let you keep your plan, you should just buy the phone off-contract at $350 more than the $200 upgrade price - that's peanuts compared to how much more you'd be paying if your plan doubles. I assume they'll just tack on the $10 fee if you buy at full price.
Thanks for your comments. I considered this but reading other threads, it sounds like the online ESN swap will reject the new phone. I'm still looking...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 05:44 PM
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Re: Plan Info

they will make you switch to everything data if you don't have Sero or F&F.

I think if you try to swap evo3d or other 4g online it will give you option to chance to everything data and I am guess you don't want that.

edit: you can try to email "everythingreferral" folks and explain you have older plan and what are my options.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 07-06-2011, 10:13 PM
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Re: Plan Info

its all in the pricing brochure, 1500 data is 129.99 for 2 lines, if they are smart phones then its 10/line. so your plan would be 149.99 plus 16 for tep on both lines so your at 165.99+tax and all the extra federal and state crap. you didnt get charged the 10/month before because it was just started January 30th, as long as you didn't do a esn swap after then you would be grandfathered in at 0 until you changed devices.

sprint made it a requirement to have the "data plan" way back with the instinct, just with windows mobile and blackberry you could get away with not having "data" until recently.

also, if you are a credit union member or have AAA auto insurance you can get a 10% monthly discount that would save you $13 a month, and waive upgrade and activation fees. if your not and you work, or have retired from some where check with a store you maybe eligible for a discount through that.

also it doesn't matter if you buy a phone with a contract or without, if your not on a everything data, business data, employee referral or sero plan the phone wont swap, unless by error but it still wont activate.

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