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Old 06-29-2011, 12:03 AM
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SOLUTION: Dropped Bluetooth Connection on 2011 Chevy Vehicles

Howdy folks,

This issue was identified in the Sprint Community forums with 2011 Chevy Bluetooth Hands free systems. The issue was that the EVO 3D would pair, but would connect intermittently. The connection would cycle on and off and would interrupt phone calls. The issue actually stems from an incompatibility with the address book download attempted by the car to the EVO 3D. The solution is to not allow the address book connection.

The Fix:
1. Delete the phone profile from the car
2. Delete the car profile from the phone.
3. Pair the phone with the car
4. Check the box, always perform this action, and decline the connection to the address book.

Kudos to Sprint Forum User ISIRAPYNOT005 for figuring this out.
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Evo 3D

bluetooth, chevrolet, chevy, evo 3d

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