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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2011, 07:06 PM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

Dear Karl,

I'd love to be able to give you an update on when the update will occur, but unfortunately the main information we don't have right now is when the update will take place. It's not a matter of if we will; we've said we will and we will. It's a matter of an announcement being made on one of our outlets like our social media pages or our website that will provide more information on when. I hope that it is available soon for you.

To send a reply to this message or let me know I have successfully answered your question log in to our ContactUs site using your email address and your ticket number 11USCW27ENA000773.




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We are unable to receive replies to this email account. Please visit us at htc.com if you have any questions or need further assistance.
their reply is directed more to the bootloader then mods or apps fixes

"That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence."

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2011, 07:26 PM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

I emailed them about the bootloader already.

Capacitive buttons are too sensitive and too bright. Need to be able to change these in settings.
Also dual core phone should be able to run any LWP without bogging down lol.

that is all.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2011, 08:24 PM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

Ok I only have a few gripes, here they are:

1. Missing flashlight app

2. Missing Facebook for HTC Sense app (I don't think the app is missing altogether...its built into the friend stream app which I hate and don't want to use, I'd prefer to just use the Facebook app on its own but the standalone Facebook app does not appear in my list of apps. Therefor, the only way for me to access it is to go through the friend stream app. And yes, I installed the Facebook for Android app from the Market as a way to try and avoid using the friends stream to access fb...but then when I, for example, go to my gallery and attempt to share a picture...it shows multiple Facebook apps, including the Facebook for HTC Sense. Yet it only shows it as an option to share the pictures through. When I try to locate the actual app itself within the apps list to open and use on its own...its nowhere to be found!)

3. Missing directional buttons on keyboard (up, down, right, left)

4. The inability to download/save/open 3D pic/vid files sent/received as attachments via Gmail. (I mean its bad enough that we are not able to send/receive or download/save/open them through MMS. Gmail will let us send/receive them but still not download/save/open. This makes no sense!)

Other than these few things...so far I am loving my Evo 3D.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 06-27-2011, 09:45 PM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

Just got off the phone with HTC. Basically they just said too bad about the flashlight app. They told me to go into the Market and download one if I really want it.

As for the Facebook app...they said the Facebook for HTC Sense is not the actual app...but more like a plug-in to link fb contacts and statuses in with the existing contact info. They told me that if I want the fb app to actually appear in my apps list and be able to access it without sense linking it in - then I should go into the Market and download the stand alone Facebook for Android app.

As for the directional buttons on the keyboard, they only said they decided to change the keyboard layout and they were eliminated. Didn't really give and specific reason why. They only mentioned something about changing the way the copy & paste function works in the E3D but they didn't give me any reason how that had any connection to eliminating the directional buttons of the keyboard.

As for issue of not being able to download/save/open the 3D.mpo pic/vid files from Gmail to view them in 3D...they said Gmail/Android/Htc will all have to coordinate a fix for that.

Before getting off the phone with them I made sure to ask when the bootloader would be unlocked. They only said "soon" and boasted about just having unlocked the bootloader on the reg Evo shortly before the release of the E3D.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 12:15 AM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

E-mailed about the first post problems along with speaker issue and lack of radio reception.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 12:36 AM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

My only main concern is the lack of 1080p video recording in 2d mode
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 03:22 AM
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Originally Posted by AYSIANA View Post
Just got off the phone with HTC. Basically they just said too bad about the flashlight app. They told me to go into the Market and download one if I really want it.

As for the Facebook app...they said the Facebook for HTC Sense is not the actual app...but more like a plug-in to link fb contacts and statuses in with the existing contact info. They told me that if I want the fb app to actually appear in my apps list and be able to access it without sense linking it in - then I should go into the Market and download the stand alone Facebook for Android app.

As for the directional buttons on the keyboard, they only said they decided to change the keyboard layout and they were eliminated. Didn't really give and specific reason why. They only mentioned something about changing the way the copy & paste function works in the E3D but they didn't give me any reason how that had any connection to eliminating the directional buttons of the keyboard.

As for issue of not being able to download/save/open the 3D.mpo pic/vid files from Gmail to view them in 3D...they said Gmail/Android/Htc will all have to coordinate a fix for that.

Before getting off the phone with them I made sure to ask when the bootloader would be unlocked. They only said "soon" and boasted about just having unlocked the bootloader on the reg Evo shortly before the release of the E3D.
They said they ulocked boot on the EVO 4G?

Sent from my E3D using tapatalk
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 07:49 PM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

Originally Posted by KarlE View Post
They said they ulocked boot on the EVO 4G?

Sent from my E3D using tapatalk
Yes that's what they said. As far as I know though that didn't really happen tho so the person didn't know what the hec they were talking about.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 09:33 PM
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Peter chow. U need two unlack mai fone! I take back! Lock no good!

Sent from moter russia!
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 06-28-2011, 09:44 PM
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Re: Let HTC hear your thoughts on the 3D

Originally Posted by AYSIANA View Post
Yes that's what they said. As far as I know though that didn't really happen tho so the person didn't know what the hec they were talking about.
yep HTC hasnt unlocked poop
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