Re: Early upgrade, No problem
Re: Early upgrade, No problem
I just got off the phone and the representative said he got it approved to move my upgrade date to today. This was my third try.
Re: Early upgrade, No problem
I did not know about this thread, until now.. I did a chat session with them, just explaining that I was one of those premier customers that got affected by the gold/silver change that started on 4-1, and that I felt it was unfiar. She came back and said I was eligible for a upgrade "reset" right now.. she told me to call Telesales and get them to apply it and do a pre order.. well, can't do a pre-order through telesales until 6-21, but, I had the telesales rep confirm I was going to get this Reset, and then asked her to document such on my account, so when I call on the 21st, the new rep won't have to do too much research....
I am very happy with Sprint.. they have always taken care of me.. 5 lines, and Airave, with 27% discount, 4G fee on 3 devices, insurance on 4 devices, and spend about 240/month.. which I fully write off because I run a business.. see any other cell company beat that!!!
Re: Early upgrade, No problem
Yea honestly i would try again. If it doesnt work the 1st time. An yes Sprint has really shown that they have turned the corner on customer service. I'm happy to hear everyone well 99.9% of the people that are trying this is working out for them.
Re: Early upgrade, No problem
I went to the Sprint store yesterday to pre order my EVO 3D. My rep said that the resets were only valid through the 30th of June. Has anyone else been told this?
Re: Early upgrade, No problem
Yeah, they told me that if I did not use it by the 30th, it would expire.
Former Windows Mobile enthusiast and developer, now a modder working on Android. I still have my PPC 6700 and HTC Touch, but I'm rocking a OnePlus 7 Pro
Re: Early upgrade, No problem
Had my doubts as to wether this would apply to me. My phone (the primary on my shared plan) was eligible for upgrade about 6months ago...but I have been happy enough with my TP2 that I decided to wait awhile to see what was coming. My wife's line on our account shows as not being eligible until 1/1/12. However, I called this number and they say they are going to change her date making her also able to get the Evo 3d. I pre-ordered the one for me a few days ago and once they call and let me know I can will be pre-ordering my wife's as well.
Very excited to say the least!
"We few, we happy few, we band of brothers; For he to-day that sheds his blood with me Shall be my brother." - Henry V |
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