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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2011, 04:14 AM
lnando84's Avatar
Pocket PC: treo 700wx>mogul>touchpro>touchpro2>Evo 3D
Carrier: Sprint
Join Date: Apr 2009
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[TOOL] RenameAPK - rename strangely named APK's

I know lots of you, like me, have weirdly named .apk's and wish there was a quick and easy way to rename them all to something easily understandable? If so I've found the answer!! It uses AAPT (included) to check an APK file's name and version, and renames your APK in a more human-readable format.

I've attached a zip below that'll do it for us in a few simple steps..ACTUALLY just one step!! To use unzip the contents to your computer. Then either run this tool through the command line, or drag/drop one(or multiple) .apk's into the renameapk.bat. They'll automatically be renamed and overwrite the originals!!

Here's an example:
pp170.apk --> PhotoShake Pro_1.7.0.apk

Whats included:
the RenameAPK tool
A minified version (without documentation; probably runs faster)
ADB, AAPT, and other required dependencies... (keep them in the same folder)

Great tool IMO.. Enjoy!!!
Attached Files
File Type: zip RenameAPK.zip (1.89 MB, 23 views) Click for barcode!
Click if I've helped you!!

Donations accepted not expected!

Last edited by lnando84; 11-14-2011 at 05:32 AM.
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