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  #541 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2012, 06:00 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Originally Posted by OMJ View Post
I don't know if it's unique no my ROM or not, but I have had this issue for as long as I can remember. I have several pop3 accounts that I have set to check every 30 min, but they don't until I open the mail app. I've been meaning to look into it, but have not....yet
Well I "think" I kind of figured it out though not sure if can do anything.

IF you open "Mail" and hit the back button to back out of the screen that is actually ending the mail process thus no checking.

IF you open "Mail" and hit the home button when done instead, it keeps the process running and it all works fine.

I didn't have these issues when was on my original evo 3d with latest stock fw (non-rooted) but as a replacement phone I got a brand new in box one that had 1.3 boot so I updated to 1.4 and updated everything else, flashed yours and noticed this.

So must be something in the rom or kernal causeing the process/task to end on backup vs running in background. Kind of sucks because the mail task on mine uses about 34MB of ram to keep running but I know its really just some other smaller process that is all that needs to remain on.

Oh well, at least I figured out the work around for now so it checks, just hard to remember to not use back, haha.
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  #542 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2012, 06:12 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Originally Posted by bigb View Post
Well I "think" I kind of figured it out though not sure if can do anything.

IF you open "Mail" and hit the back button to back out of the screen that is actually ending the mail process thus no checking.

IF you open "Mail" and hit the home button when done instead, it keeps the process running and it all works fine.

I didn't have these issues when was on my original evo 3d with latest stock fw (non-rooted) but as a replacement phone I got a brand new in box one that had 1.3 boot so I updated to 1.4 and updated everything else, flashed yours and noticed this.

So must be something in the rom or kernal causeing the process/task to end on backup vs running in background. Kind of sucks because the mail task on mine uses about 34MB of ram to keep running but I know its really just some other smaller process that is all that needs to remain on.

Oh well, at least I figured out the work around for now so it checks, just hard to remember to not use back, haha.
thanks for the info....make sense....I ALWAYS back out of an app to close it....I'll try hitting home instead for mail.

and I think u are right, this issue came about after an update, not sure which one....I don't recall having this issue originally.
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  #543 (permalink)  
Old 01-22-2012, 11:39 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

i'm having problems with my camera, everytime i open it there are green lines across the screen, i didn't have any problems before, i tried reflashing the rom but it's still the same, any suggestions?
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  #544 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2012, 04:46 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Originally Posted by angkof View Post
i'm having problems with my camera, everytime i open it there are green lines across the screen, i didn't have any problems before, i tried reflashing the rom but it's still the same, any suggestions?
I've never seen that issue, did u wipe b4 flashing? maybe bad hardware?
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  #545 (permalink)  
Old 01-26-2012, 06:50 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Hello, Im new to the forum. Been going through alot of roms lately and have been useing yours. Got to say yours is the best so far. I have only had one problem, maybe easy fix or maybe this has already been discussed but Im going to ask here anyway. I have my evo 3d fully flashed to cricket running your rom v2.4. Everything is working except youtube. Videos will not play. Youtube has worked fine on a few other roms ive used but cannot get it to work on yours. Ideas. Thanks, Great rom.
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  #546 (permalink)  
Old 01-27-2012, 12:38 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Originally Posted by djthorp View Post
Hello, Im new to the forum. Been going through alot of roms lately and have been useing yours. Got to say yours is the best so far. I have only had one problem, maybe easy fix or maybe this has already been discussed but Im going to ask here anyway. I have my evo 3d fully flashed to cricket running your rom v2.4. Everything is working except youtube. Videos will not play. Youtube has worked fine on a few other roms ive used but cannot get it to work on yours. Ideas. Thanks, Great rom.
it has to be something with being flashed to Cricket, as I am able to play Youtube videos just fine......I googled the issue & found this thread:

EVO 3D Full flash for cricket wireless.

and the youtube specific part:

Media Streaming

Youtube videos might not play unless you modify some settings. Sprint by default routes media through their servers. To change this dial ##data# from the dialer on the Evo. You will get to the EPST settings. Click edit and then enter the MSL. It will prompt you for a password which is the MSL aka SPC.

Once you get past that, go to advanced > RTSP Proxy Address (for stock Gingerbread it's advanced > RTSP/HTTP Setting > RTSP Proxy Port). Make this Also make the HTTP PD Proxy Address Also change the ports for both of these to 0. Back out and you should be good.

Read more: EVO 3D Full flash for cricket wireless.
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  #547 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2012, 11:37 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Ok, I have a question. I have been using 2.4 for a long time, today I noticed that you had a 2.5 available and I did the update. Now, I have a problem I had before and that I did not have on 2.4, it is when you boot the phone, and the icons for any apps that are on the SD card show the generic Android Icon (only way to have it show normally is to force close HTC sense, and reload). but on 2.4 it worked perfectly without having to do anything....

Any idea why?
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  #548 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2012, 07:21 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Perhaps this is a stupid question... When you say, "this will wipe your data" or do this and it won't... what data goes away? Is this data something that is backed up on Google and through Titanium backup?

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  #549 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2012, 01:51 PM
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Re: [ROM] OMJ's HTC EVO 3D Custom ROMs | 2.08.651.2 | 2.3.4 | Updated *1/1/12*

Originally Posted by dchamero View Post
Ok, I have a question. I have been using 2.4 for a long time, today I noticed that you had a 2.5 available and I did the update. Now, I have a problem I had before and that I did not have on 2.4, it is when you boot the phone, and the icons for any apps that are on the SD card show the generic Android Icon (only way to have it show normally is to force close HTC sense, and reload). but on 2.4 it worked perfectly without having to do anything....

Any idea why?
Having this same problem. I was just about to post this.... I've tried moving to the internal memory to see if it fixed the issue. No luck. Then I moved them back still no luck. Idk what to do now besides wipe and reflash (which I'd really rather not do). I did NOT wipe before updating to 2.5 and used the modified script. Not sure if that has anything to do with it. I will probably just end up wiping it if I have time after work. mine is also randomly restarting every now and then and I lose all of my icons everything else seems cool tho.

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  #550 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2012, 12:39 PM
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hey OMJ awesome job as always would you recommend a good theme for 2.5 wanted to get outta stock look thanks a bunch

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