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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-19-2011, 03:19 PM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Originally Posted by scrosler View Post
Would this one work?

Micro HDMI 5ft Cable For HTC EVO 4G 3D Supersonic phone | eBay

Screw it: I ordered it... I'll let you know if it works, lol
For $95?? Isn't this the same thing on monoprice for $5?

MicroHDMI to regular HDMI
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2011, 07:30 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Hey, for those of you who have yet to buy the MHL cable, I got a link to a coupon from the xda forums for 50% off at t-mobile stores. You can get the cable there.

Coupon link:

I'm not sure if the coupon HAS to be in-store, but here is a link to an adapter (won't allow charging at the same time like the one available from Sprint, linked earlier in this thread, will)

xda forum link (OP has several links, including the coupon, regarding the MHL cable/adapter):
MHL Adapters - xda-developers
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2011, 09:41 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Originally Posted by draghn View Post
Hey, for those of you who have yet to buy the MHL cable, I got a link to a coupon from the xda forums for 50% off at t-mobile stores. You can get the cable there.

Coupon link:

I'm not sure if the coupon HAS to be in-store, but here is a link to an adapter (won't allow charging at the same time like the one available from Sprint, linked earlier in this thread, will)

xda forum link (OP has several links, including the coupon, regarding the MHL cable/adapter):
MHL Adapters - xda-developers

I am pretty sure the Tmobile adapter will also charge the phone when using (when charger is hooked up), I think it has to be plugged in to a charger to even work in the first place?

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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2011, 11:22 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Originally Posted by tsbrewers View Post
I am pretty sure the Tmobile adapter will also charge the phone when using (when charger is hooked up), I think it has to be plugged in to a charger to even work in the first place?


You're right about it charging as well. I meant that it won't charge through the HDMI cable...in case it wasn't obvious (it wasn't to me when I first looked at it). But it does look like it supports having the charging cable plugged in, just like Sprint's adapater, but this one is cheaper.

I think it'll work with just an HDMI cable, but will use the phone's battery for power, thus draining it. Just a guess based off what I've read/seems likely though...
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-20-2011, 11:33 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Ok, now I am confused. I thought the fact that it is a MHL adapter would mean that it will charge from the tv (when available)? I don't see ever using this phone with a tv that actually does this, but if I buy an adapter, I would like it to do what it is supposed to.

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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2011, 02:46 AM
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T-Mobile, 20 bucks for the adapter if you hate shipping.

Sent from my PG86100 on the PPCGeeks App
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2011, 04:51 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Originally Posted by SleepyS40 View Post
T-Mobile, 20 bucks for the adapter if you hate shipping.

Sent from my PG86100 on the PPCGeeks App
Be sure to use the instore coupon I linked in this thread!! Print it out and go in store to get it for around $10 at T-Mobile. Before 7/31.

Originally Posted by tsbrewers View Post
Ok, now I am confused. I thought the fact that it is a MHL adapter would mean that it will charge from the tv (when available)? I don't see ever using this phone with a tv that actually does this, but if I buy an adapter, I would like it to do what it is supposed to.

The adapter is so you can use a regular HDMI cable with a TV that isn't MHL capable; it is just going to send out regular HDMI signals. Then you plug your charger into the side of the adapter (however the adapter is set up for this) so the phone receives power + sends out HDMI signal via the single MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) port. The goal of creating MHL was so mobile devices wouldn't be draining their batteries completely while outputting quality video to a TV/receiver/etc.

With an MHL capable TV, you just need a single MHL cable (micro-USB port to regular HDMI) without any adapter. That cable is made to carry power from the TV to power/charge the phone while the phone sends HDMI signals to the TV. Since the TV will supply the power, no charging cable etc. is needed.

At this point in time, almost everyone will need an adapter to get the signal from the EVO 3D (and SGSII and all phones with an MHL port) to the Hi-Def TV. I believe you could just use a single MHL cable, but the phone won't be receiving power while it is sending out video.

There's a lot of information on the internets, but you can read from the wiki, which reiterates what I said :/

Mobile High-definition Link - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope this helps.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-21-2011, 07:08 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Originally Posted by draghn View Post
Be sure to use the instore coupon I linked in this thread!! Print it out and go in store to get it for around $10 at T-Mobile. Before 7/31.

The adapter is so you can use a regular HDMI cable with a TV that isn't MHL capable; it is just going to send out regular HDMI signals. Then you plug your charger into the side of the adapter (however the adapter is set up for this) so the phone receives power + sends out HDMI signal via the single MHL (Mobile High-Definition Link) port. The goal of creating MHL was so mobile devices wouldn't be draining their batteries completely while outputting quality video to a TV/receiver/etc.

With an MHL capable TV, you just need a single MHL cable (micro-USB port to regular HDMI) without any adapter. That cable is made to carry power from the TV to power/charge the phone while the phone sends HDMI signals to the TV. Since the TV will supply the power, no charging cable etc. is needed.

At this point in time, almost everyone will need an adapter to get the signal from the EVO 3D (and SGSII and all phones with an MHL port) to the Hi-Def TV. I believe you could just use a single MHL cable, but the phone won't be receiving power while it is sending out video.

There's a lot of information on the internets, but you can read from the wiki, which reiterates what I said :/

Mobile High-definition Link - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope this helps.
Ok, I was under the impression that the adapter was needed both ways, even if your tv was MHL "ready". It makes sense that it wouldn't be needed if the tv was capable.

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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-29-2011, 12:43 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

I picked up the HTC MHL adapter... video displays, but i'm not getting any sound at all. Anybody else have this issue with the official adapter? Or is there a setting I need to change? I turned volume up for everything, but still nothing.

Last edited by Clipp; 07-29-2011 at 01:08 AM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 08-04-2011, 08:58 AM
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Re: MHL cable / adapter

Make sure the media volume on your phone is turned all way up. I got my HTC mhl adapter a few days ago and i'm pretty disappointed with the video quality. Netflix looks pixelated and the audio and video are out of sync
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