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Old 03-24-2012, 03:43 PM
foampile's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Droid Incredible
Carrier: Verizon
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Question 2 yr old Droid Incredible power issues

About a week ago my Droid started having power issues. It first began turning itself off when i would invoke an action requiring slightly more battery power, e.g. internet and camera.

then i would reboot and would work for simple operations but again turn itself off when a more demanding operation was being invoked.

then it stopped working when it was not plugged in for recharging, i.e. had to have power connection, the battery itself wouldn't keep it up.

then it stopped working even with the charger being plugged in. whenever i would press the power button, it would loop infinitely trying to power it on but it would only flash the initial boot graphics for a fraction of a second and then over again.

then i took it to a Verizon store and they gave me a new battery. it seemed to be working for a couple hrs but then the same thing happened as before as though i hadn't changed the battery.

i tried drying the phone in case it got wet using the rice and oven method. but that didn't help.

the phone is, however, able to gauge the battery fullness according to the indicator light, which turns green from red after about an hour of charging. however, it seems like all or most of the battery gets drained upon one unsuccessful attempt to turn it on because it takes a long time to charge it again from red to green.

any ideas what the problem might be and how to resuscitate my phone?


Last edited by foampile; 03-24-2012 at 04:44 PM.
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