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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-03-2011, 02:25 PM
norcal's Avatar
Pocket PC: HTC Raphael
Carrier: MetroPCS
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Incredible fully flashed on metropcs quick question...

Hey whats up guys? I am still new here but I've been flashing phones to metro for a few years. This is the first android phone I've flashed to metropcs and its working pretty good.

Internet works but slow of course. Mms is fine. Many of the apps don't work though. I believe this is due to the latency and they just timeout. ie no network connection, connection dropped, etc. Is there any way to change the timeout setting for google apps? Has anyone actually got these apps working with metropcs?

These newer android phones are sweet. Metropcs can't really handled it though. There needs to be more prepaid carriers with unlimited plans and 3g!!! Thanks in advance!
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  PPCGeeks > Android > Android HTC Devices > HTC Droid Incredible

data, flash, incredible, metro pcs, mms

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