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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-20-2011, 08:25 AM
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Re: Verizon HTC Incredible Car Holster on sale?

recently i bought incredible s for my elder sister (its been a mnth) as per its specs i felt it to be much better than even desire and desire s. Processor, camera, storage, Ram and display screen of htc incredible s as compared to iphones (including recent iphone 4) is lot better making iphone 4 look dumb. The only thing it lacks is 3.0 sense technology and a higher android os (still it could be upgradable to the latest version as recently i upgraded it to 2.3.3 so os version dont bother me much) but over all as per its cost as i compared above to latest iphone it has got a lot more at such an affordable cost.(even iphone 4 is much expensive but as per its cost it lacks everything when compared to incredible s like incredible s has a 4 inch display screen while that of iphone 4 is 3.5 inch with only 5 MP camera while that of incredible s is 8MP

I am looking frwd to buy htc incredible s accessories (actually i was in need of incredible s tough cases but cheap 1's, to avoid making phone look bulky and not so expensive and i have no idea whether verizon offers delivery in UK if available) like cases if available online and so far i found silicon cases available for it but price differs a lot . The online portal from where i bought my phone offers me same silicon case seen on amazon but again price differs. The reason for difference in the price is the case found on amazon is having double layer silicon. (well i wish to buy that case but i feel its too much expensive as compared to single layer silicon case as they are prettily charging double by integrating excessive delivery and VAT charges ). However now i have changed my mind and i wish to buy simple (cheap) pouch like cover and i dnt care abt looks or colors . Any recommendation from where to order online in uk the one that could fit my incredible s. (I searched a lot but pouches are so rarely available for incredible s that could fit properly to it).

Last edited by jemm; 06-20-2011 at 09:48 AM. Reason: mentioned something more; misspelled; had problem with smiley it wont show up
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