Originally Posted by NCX Designs
as far as the battery goes, for the first charge you need to have it connect for a good many hours to get it fully charged, don't go by the "charge complete" info, to truly break in a battery, you need to fully charge for a few hours then when its close to completely drained, charge, but don't charge between for a while, this can kill the battery quicker and give you less recharges.
on a side note, if you have a Touch Pro 2 or an Imagio, those batteries work in the Incredible too, and they have an extra 200mAH over the Incredible's battery
This is so true. I have always "seasoned" my batteries this way and it works wonders. If the battery life gets short again for some reason, drain it completely and completely regharge it again before use and it usually helps a lot.
So cool the TP2 battery will work. Of course I need to sell my TP2 to finance my Incredible, but you never know