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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 07:56 AM
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rooting eris question

looking into making my wifes phone a little quicker, can anyone tell me if these instructions are correct for rooting


she currently has 2.1 OTA but i have a backup Eris that still has 1.5 on it. Was thinking of rooting it and giving it to her.

i have rooted the moto droid and it was pretty straight forward, just wanted to make sure the instructions on that link are legit before i try them out...

btw, how much available memory do you guys have after doing a kill all with a task killer?
my wifes Eris never gets above 70Mb and very quickly drops to 30Mb.... it just seems really slow, would rooting it speed things up (is overclocking possible on the eris after root, can i opt out of having Sense UI installed?)
thanx for the help
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 11:53 AM
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Re: rooting eris question

I would go here


and read on from there......

as far as overclocking goes yes you can. some people have roms that have that option available. just check the section where the roms are. there's even 1 user who is porting over 2.2. so just look around there, register if need too.

as far as task killers. they do close programs. i had at 1 point as much as 95mb free. i noticed with the 2.1 update there were a lot more programs running then there was when 1.5 was installed.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:06 PM
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Re: rooting eris question

thanx, so 70Mb is about normal then, phone just seems slow... especially compared to my Inc which has up to 200Mb free after a kill all...

could you recommend a nice stable light ROM that would be good for a not technical wife who just wants a faster phone, but not at the sacrifice of force closes/crashes?

she like most everything about the phone (coming from the LG tritan) except it lags a bit...
was thinking of messing with the auto kill to help it run a little better as well...
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-01-2010, 05:34 PM
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Re: rooting eris question

Originally Posted by inferno1 View Post
thanx, so 70Mb is about normal then, phone just seems slow... especially compared to my Inc which has up to 200Mb free after a kill all...

could you recommend a nice stable light ROM that would be good for a not technical wife who just wants a faster phone, but not at the sacrifice of force closes/crashes?

she like most everything about the phone (coming from the LG tritan) except it lags a bit...
was thinking of messing with the auto kill to help it run a little better as well...

honestly i couldnt really recommend any since i am one of those unfortunate Eris users who didnt wait and upgraded to the leak, but from looking around and hearing the Evil Eris rom is pretty good. check that thread.

as far as the task manger if you get 70mb free thats good. i dont think you will get that unless you have a task manager, well not on a 2.1 stock rom at least
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