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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 10-07-2009, 05:30 PM
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Re: I want to increase the letter limit for SMS

oh when i was talking about deleteing it. that was the windows mobile on like a htc touch pro,pro2, diamond, diamond2, i dont think this will work on a treo pro.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 03:05 AM
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Re: I want to increase the letter limit for SMS

From wikipedia
"Message size
Transmission of short messages between the SMSC and the handset is done whenever using the Mobile Application Part (MAP) of the SS7 protocol. Messages are sent with the MAP mo- and mt-ForwardSM operations, whose payload length is limited by the constraints of the signaling protocol to precisely 140 octets (140 octets = 140 * 8 bits = 1120 bits). Short messages can be encoded using a variety of alphabets: the default GSM 7-bit alphabet (see GSM 03.38 for details), the 8-bit data alphabet, and the 16-bit UTF-16 alphabet.[27] Depending on which alphabet the subscriber has configured in the handset, this leads to the maximum individual Short Message sizes of 160 7-bit characters, 140 8-bit characters, or 70 16-bit characters (including spaces). Support of the GSM 7-bit alphabet is mandatory for GSM handsets and network elements,[27] but characters in languages such as Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Japanese or Cyrillic alphabet languages (e.g. Russian, Serbian, Bulgarian, etc) must be encoded using the 16-bit UTF-16 character encoding (see Unicode). Routing data and other metadata is additional to the payload size.
Larger content (Concatenated SMS, multipart or segmented SMS or "long sms") can be sent using multiple messages, in which case each message will start with a user data header (UDH) containing segmentation information. Since UDH is inside the payload, the number of characters per segment is lower: 153 for 7-bit encoding, 133 for 8-bit encoding and 67 for 16-bit encoding. The receiving handset is then responsible for reassembling the message and presenting it to the user as one long message. While the standard theoretically permits up to 255 segments,[28] 6 to 8 segment messages are the practical maximum, and long messages are often billed as equivalent to multiple SMS messages. See Concatenated SMS for more information. Some providers have offered length-oriented pricing schemes for SMSs, however, the phenomenon is disappearing."

So impossible due to standardizations, sorry folks
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 10-08-2009, 09:23 PM
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Re: I want to increase the letter limit for SMS

I dont get it th message just keeps going past 130 on my phone and it keeps going try threaded setting maybe?
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 10-09-2009, 02:35 AM
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Re: I want to increase the letter limit for SMS

Your carrier does 130. IDK why but they are retarded and they do.
Disclaimer: The truth is obvious.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 10-12-2009, 03:14 PM
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Re: I want to increase the letter limit for SMS

they cant afford the 30 extra letters like us americans HAHA JUST KIDDING !!!!!!!!
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