Erasing Diamond ESN fooling VZW into thinking its my 6700
Hey guys i know ESN swapping isnt the most popular thing, people think youre stealing phones but this isnt the case. After getting all excited to get the Touch Pro for $99 at the VZW store with my upgrade i find one in stock at a farther away VZW store and went to go get it.
The lady pulled it out is ringing me up and says, "ok so you need to get the $30 unlimited data plan to get this phone" WHAT?!?! I know a lot of people think these things are useless without unl data but i have use for it without the EVDO internet and i cant afford to pay an extra $360 a year in fees.
So now im looking on ebay seeing a few phones Diamond/Touch Pro's with bad ESN's being sold for around $150. A while ago i was able to flash a Sprint Vogue i bought on ebay with my old XV6700's ESN number and fool VZW into thinking it was my phone, it worked great. But awhile later it was stolen so i went back to my old 6700. Does anyone have any experience with flashing a Touch Pro/Diamond? It is somewhat similar/possible? I was thinking of using the old method, QPST, CDMA patch program rewrite the ESN ... i have to review the steps but ive done it before so im hoping i can do it again.
Sorry if this topic upsets anyone but i am in no way stealing a phone im buying a phone on egay, ive actaully found a reseller who is a big ebay seller and is most likely selling phones with ESN problems and not stolen ones.