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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 08-10-2009, 09:16 PM
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Question HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

I upgraded to a Diamond last Friday after my Treo just got to bad to even make a phone call.

I did know of the battery problem whit the Sprint Diamond but I did not think it be this bad, but thanks to Juicy47 post I did the changes to thePollInterval and I think it kind of helped, not tried it with BT on, then I would get 1½- 2 hours on idle stand by with a 5 min call till dead. Anything else I could do other then a rom update?

Next is the heating up issue, I understand why but how is it some users have no problem while others do, and is there a way to fix it?

I am using Stock rom: 2.00.651.7 and radio 1.11.00f

I do not want to do to much since I got 30days and this is really the first phone I had to do anything to, so I am new at it. I love the phone and it is what I want, but the battery and the getting hot is a problem, hot mainly cause sprint techs would tell me it was bad for my palm to get that hot, it never got that hot, and I got new batteries till they gave me a new phone but that ended up failing cause of the signal I got at home. I think that may also be one of the problems here on the Diamond. Also should I have to take the phone back I need to undo everything I did plus lock it or does anyone know if they check that, also if I just flash it with the stock rom would that relock it? I guess my main thing is I want to keep it I just want it to be like some of the users Diamonds are, good on battery life, I could life with being abel to go to work from 7:30 am till 5:30pm and make it home with out having to charge it 2 times and only getting to use it 10min. and it not getting to hot that it makes it so you cant even use the touch flow with your finger…. Or is mien bad???

Thanks so much guy’s for any help.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

turn off bluetooth, wifi, beam, set email polling to 4hrs, switch to 1x when you don't surf the net, turn down the brightness, no auto update (pocket express, rss feed), etc, there are a few more ideas that are posted here.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 05:01 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

Moved to the general Diamond Forum.

"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 06:12 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

Find a good task manager or this one might be good and make sure nothing is running in the background. Kill Opera9.exe, Check your start up folder and make sure somethings are not starting up and running when you start your phone (of course some things are ok).

You should get a lot more than an hour or so, even if thats an exageration it sounds like you arent getting much battery life. Your phone should never get that hot, warm is normal hot is not. Sometimes means that stuff is running making it hot, and that would also explain your poor battery life. Then again you signal is a huge factor too, if its bad your phone will go in and out of 1x all the time killing your battery.

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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 07:51 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

I made a few threads that might help.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 08-11-2009, 07:54 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

tf3d tweak is a good one
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 11:29 AM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

Originally Posted by TREmp77 View Post
Find a good task manager or this one might be good and make sure nothing is running in the background. Kill Opera9.exe, Check your start up folder and make sure somethings are not starting up and running when you start your phone (of course some things are ok).

You should get a lot more than an hour or so, even if thats an exageration it sounds like you arent getting much battery life. Your phone should never get that hot, warm is normal hot is not. Sometimes means that stuff is running making it hot, and that would also explain your poor battery life. Then again you signal is a huge factor too, if its bad your phone will go in and out of 1x all the time killing your battery.
I installed it and it removed the one that was on the phone, and I been on top of that one making sure nothing was running… and I changed it to X closes programs, I use the X to get out of everything anyway.
I know in my room is a bad bad spot for phones signals and for the last 2 mornings it has been hot when I got up the led is doing a flashing, but I can’t get the screen to come on so I have to reset it and I don’t know what was making it do it.
Also I used a program on my pc ,CeRegEditor, to do the reg-editing and I had the program unlock the phone, do I re-lock it the same way as it is on the forum? I do not have a new version on .net frame and can’t find one that will work on here. Sprint said to bring it back by as the getting hot is not good and they may have to give me a new phone.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 11:33 AM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

Originally Posted by MrObvious View Post
I made a few threads that might help.
Thank you very much for starting them, I had found them and been doing some of the things and the draining the battery so fare has made the best difference I can see. If I get a new phone or battery will be sure to do just that.=D>
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 12:47 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

Glad to help.

The biggest thing is getting away from the stock ROM and stock radio. I find Telus 1.04 or Sprint 1.11F seem to work about the best and some people claim (which I think is bullcrap personally) that some radios work better in a certain area the best.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 08-12-2009, 04:53 PM
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Re: HTC Sprint Diamond Help please

Originally Posted by Brighteyes72 View Post
Also I used a program on my pc ,CeRegEditor, to do the reg-editing and I had the program unlock the phone, do I re-lock it the same way as it is on the forum? I do not have a new version on .net frame and can’t find one that will work on here. Sprint said to bring it back by as the getting hot is not good and they may have to give me a new phone.
Relocking your phone instructions found here on ppcgeeks, just do everything they say in that thread. If you are going to take it back, lock it back up, just to be safe.

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