Re: Alltel Diamond ROM update 2.00.671.5
I know this post is kinda old, but i need some help. I downloaded this ROM from HTC last nice because i was trying to download Groovefish, and it said the .NET software on my phone was to old for this app. So i d/l'ed the updated the .NET and it said something like "cannot open file, open the application then install from there" but i cannot open it because the Program Files is the only way i know to get into it.
SO, i d/l'ed this ROM, and all that stuff it stil happening!! AND now i have to litterally punch the screen to get it to open anything. And TouchFLo is SLOW now.
I dont know what to do, i am soo frustrated. I have only had it a couple days, but i cant get any Apps on it all all. I alwatys get an error message. Hate to say it, but it makes me want to trade it for a blackberry. And i really dont want to do that.....ahhhhhh