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Brighteyes72 08-11-2009 11:33 AM

Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?
I like to make a observation that I have made since my post last night.
So I charged it fully yesterday morning till about 9 am, had it on the charger for a little bit, maybe 30-45 in the evening and I am still trying to kill the batter now 11am. Now when I woke up at 8 am it said it was low so when I checked on it and there was a back screed and it did not seem to come on I thought good its finally dead, I noticed the weal light still flashing and it was kinda hot again not sure what it was up to, so removed the battery to see which was hotter and stuck it back in turned it back on and it is still going. Now here is what I wonder other then recharging only when it needs it when you first get it and I do mean needs it cause its dead, if it lies and tell you the battery is almost dead when the batter still seems to have the better part of a few hours to go.
Well I will keep trying so I can see if I can get a 100% charge

MrObvious 08-11-2009 02:12 PM

Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?
Cool beans Bright. I would suggest going to MightyROM or another custom ROM and your battery life will improve dramatically. :D

ekz13 08-11-2009 03:38 PM

Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?
i like MR but they are all great at improving over stock life. These things almost seem to have the "ghost in the machine" syndrome, you just need to find the one that works best on yours and your set.

tehxeno 08-25-2009 01:04 PM

Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?

Originally Posted by thvoicwethin (Post 1054607)
1 ) How long does your battery last? 29hrs and still counting.
2 ) Which ROM are you running? EnergyROM3
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? battery tweaks, Mode Operation set to 1X Only
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day? 25-75
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? 1-3 hrs
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? None, I don't have a Data plan, NoData FTW
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? Bluetooth - not yet, getting ready to||Wi-Fi - 20 min MAX
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? Just because you switch ROMS and get better battery life/performance does not mean that the tweaks you had on the previous ROM are still in the new ROM. Always double-check your Reg settings, you might find that some settings are not what they were before. Oh, and get 6.5 :)

I'll update later, I just found some new tweaks and have had the phone @ 100 percent since 12:00PM today, so I'm going to run it until it dies and get back. @ 70 percent now. ETD: 1-1.5 days hopefully, I'll leave it unplugged tonight.

EDIT: 29 hours and still going. 20% battery life left, made a few extra battery tweaks today.

What tweaks do you use?

mulhiny 08-25-2009 05:37 PM

Re: Poll: How Long Does Your Battery Last?
1 ) How long does your battery last? 36hrs
2 ) Which ROM are you running? Mighty 3.9
3 ) What tweaks have you done besides what came with your ROM? Disable GSensor, disable auto brightness.
4 ) How many text messages do you approximately receive a day? between send/receive 100
5 ) How many minutes on the phone do you spend on the average each day? 40-50mins
6 ) How many data related activities do you do? Include how frequent you check e-mail. - Surf the net total of maybe hour a day. Check email 10 times.
7 ) Do you use bluetooth or wi-fi a lot and how much? never
8 ) Do you have any practical suggestions not already mentioned? I use HTC Home to keep memory usage to a minimum._______________

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