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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-11-2009, 10:05 AM
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Thumbs up Diamond ROM Update (Use The Correct ROM Link)!!!

I have been using a Sprint Touch Diamond for 3 days now since my my original Sprint Touch failed.

There are reports by some that the new ROM for the Diamond has some bugs in it.... but I am wondering which ROM update they are using?

If a user goes to the HTC website, they have only two ROMS that show up, but actually there are three (maybe more for other brands)for the HTC-Diamond.

1) ROM update for the GSM model (not Sprint)

2) ROM update for the CDMA model (not for Sprint - believe it or not)?

3) ROM update just for Sprint Diamond phones (THIS IS THE ONE)!!!!

4) ROM update for other CDMA carrier phones (I am not sure)???

When I logged into my Sprint on-line account, I navigated to the upgrades section and there is a link to the actual HTC/Sprint Diamond ROM update (for Sprint). This is a different web-page then the HTC/Diamond update found under the heading of CDMA!!!

Click on the link below and you will see that the Rom update is specifically shown as the HTC/Dimaond (Sprint) update.....


Why update the ROM on your device (at least for Sprint users)?
The software upgrade posted below provides several key enhancements for your Touch Diamond™ (POSTED FROM THE LINK ABOVE):

1) Provides enhancements to the HTC dialer application

2) Resolves an issue where the “Internal Storage” drive may not be recognized by the device

3) Includes minor enhancements for Sprint TV and Opera Browser

4) Resolves an issue with time not updating correctly after daylight savings time adjustment

5) Includes a variety of minor bug fixes

I think that users may find this ROM update the correct one to use for those of us on the Sprint network!!!!!!

Confusing yes... but hopefully this post clears it up and helps.
Sprint Touch Diamond
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-18-2009, 04:03 PM
PhxSun007's Avatar
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Re: Diamond ROM Update (Use The Correct ROM Link)!!!

I have loaded the new Sprint ROM on all 6 of my Diamonds and each one has issues. The phone ends up with error messages, plus there are error noises on boot up and shut down. I would not upgrade the ROM. The 7th Diamond I have I put a Juicy ROM in it and so far love it. I tried a Groove ROM 5, but the phone would not boot up after.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-21-2009, 12:35 PM
almatic's Avatar
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Re: Diamond ROM Update (Use The Correct ROM Link)!!!

I'm having trouble with the bugs in the new ROM also, it seems much better when it works, but it crashes and requires a hard reset every few days, not fun.

I took my phone in to sprint and they (and I) didn't know about the problems with the new ROM, so they sent me a new phone, with the new ROM. So now I have the same problems, but with a new phone.

So should I take this back in to sprint or should I try a different ROM such as Juicy or Mighty or something else? I had never tried other ROMs because I didn't really understand what they were, but now that I do I'm not afraid to try new ones.

Any suggestions on which one I should try? Links would be appreciated.
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