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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 12:42 AM
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Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Is this remotely possible, I find that HTC finally got it right with the All People part of the People Tab.

I really have no use for the tab itself but just go their to use the all people which has the contact/favs/call history simular to iContact so what I would like to do is use GreenButton to hook All People to the Green Send Key.
HTC Touch Diamond
Bell Canada

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Old 03-27-2009, 12:47 AM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Originally Posted by iggy View Post
Is this remotely possible, I find that HTC finally got it right with the All People part of the People Tab.

I really have no use for the tab itself but just go their to use the all people which has the contact/favs/call history simular to iContact so what I would like to do is use GreenButton to hook All People to the Green Send Key.
I would also like to do this, and I'm sure it's possible, just haven't found a tutorial for it yet.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Moved to the general Diamond Forum.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 03:18 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Wait, what? I just disable the whole tab and map my left softkey to iContact. Not sure if that's what you're talking about though... don't think so.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 04:43 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

unfortunatley its not that easy. when u put one of the softkeys to contacts, it takes you to the stock winmo contacts not the touch flo tab. would be a great fix though if someone could figure it out
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 07:19 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Originally Posted by infection0 View Post
Wait, what? I just disable the whole tab and map my left softkey to iContact. Not sure if that's what you're talking about though... don't think so.
Yes, thats the idea, I currently have iContact as well but the new Rhodium Manila's contact tab "All People" does the same thing so iContact (love the app) but it is redundant.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 07:38 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Originally Posted by iggy View Post
Is this remotely possible, I find that HTC finally got it right with the All People part of the People Tab.

I really have no use for the tab itself but just go their to use the all people which has the contact/favs/call history simular to iContact so what I would like to do is use GreenButton to hook All People to the Green Send Key.
Are you trying to remap a soft key to bring up the program or a button? If a button, I use AE Button Plus to remap buttons. I have side volume keys as one press would be up or down arrow, double press would be page up or down, triple press would be volume up or down. Long press simulates red button and Close current application. I am sure you can remap your send key to the application like mines is triple press brings up task manager or long press of up Dpad key to launch camera.
Sent from my Nexus 7, Droid Ultra, or Galaxy Note 3... I don't really know anymore, probably not from my PC though.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 10:25 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Originally Posted by MrHawaii View Post
Are you trying to remap a soft key to bring up the program or a button? If a button, I use AE Button Plus to remap buttons. I have side volume keys as one press would be up or down arrow, double press would be page up or down, triple press would be volume up or down. Long press simulates red button and Close current application. I am sure you can remap your send key to the application like mines is triple press brings up task manager or long press of up Dpad key to launch camera.
Exactly what I am trying to do MrHawaii, for now I would prefer a softkey but I could also use Supbro's GreenButton for the Green Send Key but my main problem is what is the name of the file/program to call up the 'All People' tab.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2009, 10:26 PM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

You can add its tab to the world clock view, that way you can access it by pressing the clock, then selecting its tab. Add it to the 26948339_manila xml file. In this section for world clock page(its about 1/3 down from top), I've edited mine to remove the world clock setting(always changes my timezone), kept alarm tab, then added call history, all people, sounds profile. I made my own icons for sounds page, so don't copy those icon names unless you make some or it won't work.
      <PageGroup Name="WorldClock">
     <Page Order="0" Name="peopleAll.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="Contacts" Default="true"  >
           <ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\peopleAll.mode9?type=all" Component="PeopleRoot" SmartComponent="true" />
       <ComponentReference Name="icon_normal"   Mode9Path="HTC\PeopleIcon.mode9" Component="AllPeople_Off" />
       <ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\PeopleIcon.mode9" Component="AllPeople_On" />
       <ComponentReference Name="icon_preview"  Mode9Path="HTC\PeopleIcon.mode9" Component="AllPeople_Preview" />
    <Page Order="1" Name="peopleCallHistory.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="Call History">
      <ComponentReference Name="page"        Mode9Path="HTC\peopleCallHistory.mode9" Component="CallHistoryRoot" SmartComponent="true" />
      <ComponentReference Name="icon_normal"   Mode9Path="HTC\PeopleIcon.mode9" Component="PeopleCallHistory_Off" />
      <ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\PeopleIcon.mode9" Component="PeopleCallHistory_On" />
      <ComponentReference Name="icon_preview"  Mode9Path="HTC\PeopleIcon.mode9" Component="PeopleCallHistory_Preview" />              
        <!-- Page Order="0" Name="clockview.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="[[IDS_WorldClock_Title]]" Default="true">
          <ComponentReference Name="page"                Mode9Path="HTC\WorldClock.mode9" Component="ClockView" SmartComponent="true" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_normal"   Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="WorldClock_Off" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="WorldClock_On" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_preview"  Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="WorldClock_Preview" />
        </Page -->
        <Page Order="2" Name="alarmview.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="Alarm">
          <ComponentReference Name="page"                Mode9Path="HTC\WorldClock.mode9" Component="AlarmView" SmartComponent="true" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_normal"   Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Alarm_Off" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Alarm_On" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_preview"  Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Alarm_Preview" />
        <Page Order="3" Name="sounds.page" PackageName="HTC" Title="Profile">
      <ComponentReference Name="page" Mode9Path="HTC\settings.mode9" Component="SoundsPageComponent" SmartComponent="true" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_normal"   Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Sounds_Off" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_selected" Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Sounds_On" />
          <ComponentReference Name="icon_preview"  Mode9Path="HTC\icons.mode9" Component="Sounds_Preview" />
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-28-2009, 12:25 AM
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Re: Link Rhodium 'All People' to a softkey/hardkey

Originally Posted by showaco View Post
You can add its tab to the world clock view, that way you can access it by pressing the clock, then selecting its tab. Add it to the 26948339_manila xml file. In this section for world clock page(its about 1/3 down from top), I've edited mine to remove the world clock setting(always changes my timezone), kept alarm tab, then added call history, all people, sounds profile. I made my own icons for sounds page, so don't copy those icon names unless you make some or it won't work.
Hmm... cool. Thanks for the info. So could you change it to start in the favorites tab when you click on "history" using the same method?
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