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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-13-2009, 11:59 AM
313gmab313's Avatar
Pocket PC: htc diamond
Carrier: metro pcs
Location: Detroit
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 3
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Cool Metro Internet You Cool

************HELP************HELP********HELP****** **
Well I bought htc DIAMOND phone from my friend. Then I took it to Metro and had them flash "i was an existing customer metro".I Called a guy off of craigslist to do the internet and MMS. What ever he did didn't work.He gave me Mighty ROM4.6 with opera mini and some GPS app. but none of it worked.Then I found these forms followed ever step and nothing.I don't have a data option just Celluar line,bluetooth,and Hayes Compatible on COM1.I have the internet plan.I NEED YOUR HELP

1: Goto settings -> Connections -> Connections
2: Remove any connections that are there
3: Open your phone and enter ##778#, select "EDIT" and enter your unlock code.

4: Set the following values:

M.IP Settings:
MIP_MODE = Simple IP Only

M.IP Default Profile:
NAI = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Home Address = (just delete the values and save)
Primary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)
Secondary HA Address = (just delete the values and save)

HDR AN AUTH User Id = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PPP USER ID = yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
PPP PASSWORD = metropcs

5: Goto Connections and delete any existing connections and setup a new one using the following settings:

Number to dail = #777
Username: yourtendigitphonenumber@mymetropcs.com
Password: metropcs
Domain: (Leave Blank)

Select Proxy Settings and enter the following values:
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (http)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:443 (secure wap)
wap.metropcs.net port:3128 (socks)

6: Back in the "Connections" screen where you have two tabs at the bottom of the screen of "Tasks" and "Advanced", go to Advanced, click on "Select Networks" and select the name of the connection you just setup.
Also did ##3282# changed my Active profile to 1
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