Re: Scroll settings in registry
I just noticed that in the contact list, kinda annoying but starting to perfect it. I would like to know this answer too
Re: Scroll settings in registry
I have found this before let me search around...Its called HTC Gesture.
HKCU>Control Panel > Gestures> touch. Change 1 to 0 To enable or disable it. HKLM>software>HTC> HTC gestures. I'm testing to figure out which one to change... Thought it would be Y distance but I think that is the distance for your finger I am correct. I did find out how to stop it as soon as you touch it. Its the TimeStopHold. Set it to 0 and it should not delay stopping the scrolling when you tap the screen. For me a more accurate way is the touch sensitive wheel. Just use your thumb and go clockwise to scroll down and counter to scroll up. Its much more effective for me. I hope this helps some. Last edited by xTSFx; 02-16-2009 at 03:53 AM. |
Re: Scroll settings in registry
Moved to the general Diamond Forum.
late, Coz
"I don't want to spend my life explaining myself. Either you get it or you don't." Frank Zappa