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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-23-2009, 07:57 PM
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Gyrator and Keyboard

I have been using the standard stock Full qwerty and it was a little bit tight, so I used the gyrator and am now able to type when the phone is horizontal, which is great.

Ive only got one problem, it seems that when you go horizontal, the full keyboard changes. It goes from all the litters being in the first 3 rows and the space bar in the 4th, to a total of 3 rows with some letters included in the 3rd row along with the space bar.

I hate that it does, this as it is like typing on a new keyboard every time. Is there a way to make the keyboard stay the same for both ways. Crunching it into 3 rows, is foolish in my opinion.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-24-2009, 08:55 AM
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Re: Gyrator and Keyboard

That also drove me nuts. Search on this thread for keyboards - PCM Keyboards with various skins (look for VGA compatible), Touchpal (stays small in landscape), SPB keyboards (purchase with trial), etc.
There is lots of information, just look, download cab, try, then you can delete if its not for you.
I have experimented with several, it was a learning curve, but ended up with PCM Keyboard with IDream. This disables Compact Querty, but worth the trade off to me.
Read directions on how to install and select carefully, it will work.
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