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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 06:12 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

Originally Posted by hibby50 View Post
oj ill make it a diamond vs pro thread. ur heat issues for 1. also u say we have an uneven backlight? u dont have a backlight at all.
dont go down this road... it's how biggie and tupac got killed... beef is never a good thing
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 06:17 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
right. im not saying the diamond doesnt have any major problems, the diamond has its issues also. all im saying is I find my diamond quicker on stock rom that any TP on stock rom that i have tried.
see that's just strange to me... like i said i have a few touch pros and all performed well with tf3d stock... the diamond is exactly the same, so i don't get it. if my pros were sluggish i would have definitely traded for diamonds, but theyre fine. when i get my replacement diamond tonight ill check to see if theres a difference.

the diamond does feel sturdier, but thats obviously cause it's one solid piece. if the diamond had more device memory, expansion slot and wasn't red... i'd probably have 4 diamonds instead cause i've been happy with the new default soft keyboard. i was kinda shocked that the device memory was so low... i barely installed anything and i was already at 12mb (on one of my pros ive installed everything besides music on device for the past month and i still have 80mb) . i prefer to install applictions on device rather than any cards, so i hope installing more things on "internal" storage doesn't have any adverse problems. please let me know if this internal storage acts differently than a regular microsd card in that manner. i thought the specs would be the same besides the expansion stuff. oh well. in a way, after using the pro for so long, i feel like the diamond is a crippled version at the cost of having one solid piece. but i'm still satisified with both diamond and pro, just need to get the minor issue fixed. both can give n take points from each other.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 06:19 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

gotta strange feeling this is about to move to the Phone comparison forums...
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 06:23 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
dont go down this road... it's how biggie and tupac got killed... beef is never a good thing
LMAO..I almost spilled my coffee!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 06:34 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

Originally Posted by nautica2450 View Post
gotta strange feeling this is about to move to the Phone comparison forums...
ha it should... that's all everyones been doing here, but we shouldnt be blamed cause that's what the title and original thread have lead us to do. we're just staying on topic
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 08:02 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

Originally Posted by orlandojumpoff View Post
ha it should... that's all everyones been doing here, but we shouldnt be blamed cause that's what the title and original thread have lead us to do. we're just staying on topic
hehe that we are... um what were we talking about again lol
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 08:09 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

I bought a diamond then got the pro after 2 weeks returned the pro and back to the diamond i go
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 08:31 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

Originally Posted by zero157h7 View Post
Actually the Touch did run circles around the Mogul in Success's defense, however his brief blackberry conversion and subsequent board desertion are unforgivable.
Never said that the Touch wasn't a better device spec wise than the mogul. But i do not agree that it ran circles around the device. Really between those to it came down to personal preference. My preference was a keyboard over more memory.

Originally Posted by Success100 View Post
huh??? dude thats not a bias. two of my dudes that work in the sprint store with me both ordered touch pros. i tweaked both of their's and they both still couldnt figure out why the diamond seemed so snappy compared to theirs, needless to say, both of them sent the TP back, one went back to his BB and the other one switched to a diamond and said the same thing, that it seems way more stable.

I never said one was better than the other. The TP has a lot of things I want. And honestly if they would have came out at the same time, i prob would have chose the pro. But i got the diamond, and i LOVE this thing, and most people i know with the pro hate it or have major beef with it. So, as i said before, when u compare the speed of the two side by side, if you have ever had the chance, the diamond performs a little quicker. not to say the TP is a slouch by any means, but i said in MY OPINION. the diamond feels slightly snappier. Im not biased either way towards either one. I love both of them.

Yeah, I backed the original Touch over the mogul ten fold, cuz that wuz just a better device. The Diamond and TP are both huge leaps in technology, whats not to love about either?? SO bruh, check your facts, I work in a Sprint corporate store, I use both day in and out.

Lastly, same hardware specs do NOT mean same performance. Go buy a Acer Laptop with a Intel Core2duo 2.0 Ghz chip it, and match it spec for spec with one made by Sony, or Dell, and you will see that the sony or dell will have a slight edge in performance. same specs, different performance.

lol may the ppcgeeks gods forgive me!!
You can't say you haven't said that one is better than the other, and then say that one is snappier than the other lol. Being snappier means faster which would be a plus which would mean better lol. So in your opinion you do feel the diamond is better than the pro. That's what i get from your comments. And your analogy was terrible about the computers and performance. We are not talking about a similar phone designed by to different manufaturers. Were talking about a phone that is IDENTICAL specs wise and built by the same company. The only differences is a keyboard and a flash. So comparing computers (built by to different companies) that use different parts but the same preoccesors is definitely not the same thing. And by the way you must of miss the part where i said that my girlfriend has the diamond. So i have compare side by side.

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
Are you smoking something without writing on it before you post? Look at your own post and show me how you make any sense...

And then you wrote this later in the same post...

Make up your mind. Is it that they have exactly the same specs and could not be any different in speed or performance, as you said in the beginning of your post, or that the Touch Pro is just as fast if not faster, as you stated in the end of your post?

I love when people contradict themselves.

Also, I owned two Titans and two Vogues, at different times, and in my opinion, Success is dead on... the Touch was hands down a better phone than the Mogul when it came to performance. Sure, the Titan had some features that I wish the Vogue had, but speed and performance wise, it smoked the competition.

I also own a Diamond and a Touch Pro right now, and I think they are close to the same in performance. But I would honestly say that, in my opinion, the Diamond gets a slight edge.
Actually i was smoking something lol but that has nothing to do with the way i post. Second of all, i said they are the same spec wise and speed may vary on different roms. Meaning that some things may be faster on the diamond or pro depending on the rom you have. So my comment that the Pro is just as fast if not faster is not a contradiction, because overall i believe they preform the same. You may think you diamond is faster with navigating through touchflo but yet i can access the start menu and my storage card faster (these are just examples). To comment on you Vogue issue. I honestly like my mogul better than the vogue because of they keyboard. The specs were better no doubt but i don't think the little bit of improved speed and memory were worth losing a keyboard. And other than the memory the vogue had nothing that my mogul didn't. Make sure you read and fully understand the next time you try and correct someone.
Thanks and im going to go back to smoking now.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 08:58 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

A Comparison forum? Guess I should've looked.
I'll read up on the VS threads.

You guys are worrying me a bit. I got my replacement tonight but haven't messed with it.
My plan was to be called when the TPs come in tomorrow. Yesterday's AND today's shipments sold out!
Buy it, then sell the Diamond before the covering is even off it and recoup the funds.

Both the phones were demos and I did shut down programs on both as well as switch the themes back.
Maybe the Pro has some registry tweaks?

My main reason for switching is the on screen keyboard.
It's starting to bug me more and more with the compact qwerty in accuracy.
My fingers are too big for QWERTY.
While I can type faster with the on-screen keyboard proof reading every word slows my SMSs down and I hardly ever post to forums from it anymore.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 12-18-2008, 10:20 PM
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Re: Why does the Pro feel so much faster?

i think the speed might have something to do with the way programs are installed... the touch pro has more onboard rom than the diamond, as its an onboard sd card pretty much, which may react differently to the drivers being used... just a guess though..
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