Camera Background Image App
Can anyone tell me where I can find this App! I would love to have this. it looks so cool!
http://ca.youtube.com/watch?v=5tiEji...eature=related -Mossman
Rep Christ 4 Life!
Re: Camera Background Image App
Some people say its fake but ive seen somone at my locak verizon who had it on his touch. I do agree whats the point in this? Plus its going to drain the heck out of your batt. So lets all have crappy batt life in the first place on the diamond so lets make it worse by installing this then we can complain some more. LOL Chill out dude.
Remember one thing in life. What ever your talking about, thats what your saying.
Last edited by dcperdue; 12-13-2008 at 07:24 AM. |