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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 12-05-2008, 05:28 PM
mabmarc's Avatar
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Question What program is accessing data?

Is there some software that can tell me what program is accessing a data stream right now?

I see the arrows for data light up even when I think I have everything turned off. If there was a program that could identify what was accessing the internet it would be a lot easier to make sure I shut everything off.

Anyone seen a program that can do this? Task manager will show processes and so does sktools but it doesn't tell me what is accessing the data.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 12-07-2008, 08:16 AM
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Re: What program is accessing data?


I was looking for the same thing a while back. I finally found SPB Wireless Monitor. I know it's not free but it has a 30 day unrestricted trial. I used it to find what was accessing my data connection and when the trial runs out I'll just uninstall it or maybe I'll purchase it. I haven't decided as of yet which I'll do but it is a very nice looking and functioning program.

Also, when using it you have to remember that if you have today plugins installed under SPB Pocket+ or SPB Mobile Shell or any other today screen app. that it will show the main app. as the culprit and not the plugin. My program that was accessing my data connection was WeatherPanel, which I had attached to SPB Pocket+.

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