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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 11-29-2008, 09:38 PM
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Exclamation Diamond Problems... Please Help!!!

My brother was outside with his diamond, which has been dropped a few times (oops), and it was quite cold (not sure if that did anything). We got back home, and the device was off and couldn't get past the Diamond screen with the red writing on the bottom. (not a battery problem, as I tried putting my diamond battery into his and it still wouldn't start. A few times after pulling out the battery each time, it would start and make it to TF3D, and there would be an error.. "Microp Version Mismatch 0. Please update latest Microp version", and then the screen would go blank, although it appeared to still be on, as I could connect it to the PC and connect through activesync. I think I was Juicy 2.7, and have managed since to get the phone back to stock Telus ROM and relocked, I think. The Unlocked thing the diamond goes to before showing the percent bar when the new ROM is being loaded said something like "wrong version" I think, but then would continue to showing the status bar, until the device reset after 100%, showed the diamond screen with red writing, and then screen went black, and kept switching between screen being off and being on. Now the reset button on back of device doesn't seem to work, and the only way to reset is to pull out battery, and replace.


EDIT: Brought to Telus and they replaced.
Current Rom: Windows 6.5.1 build 23064.5.3.0
Current Radio: 1.04.05V (Telus)

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Last edited by Hind1; 12-01-2008 at 08:11 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2008, 12:42 AM
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Re: Diamond Problems... Please Help!!!

well dropping it didnt help, but it sounds like the temperature change has caused some condensation which in turn has corrupted the rom, or at the very least stopped it from booting correctly. if you didnt wait for it to equilize to room temperature it will be like any electronic device operating below its temperature threshhold, that combined with condensation makes one funky acting device. ive seen this before even with my devices i just shut them off and let them warm up.

that said. it seems you have relocked it and had a botched rom flash because there was not sufficient time to let the device warm up and lose the moisture it has gathered in the form of condensation from the rapid temperature change. which means................ its boned... take it back he has a brick. and how they replace it.

If I have helped you, you like my work, want to get me a coffee or you feel like you wish to help me get my next device.

feel free to its appreciated, but not required!

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